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Dromano Manor. Or as most people call it. D-day high. It looked fancy outside. Fresh grass surrounded the school with the path and car park being the only areas not covered in the hunters green. A green fence laced the edges of the grounds, preventing troublesome kids from ditching or the occasional gang from sneaking in. Not that we had gangs here. No, Brokeville was an ordinary small town. We had little to no trouble and rarely had anything exciting happen. Boring if you asked my fabulous self.

I trudged along the school drive, careful to not be knocked over by the swarm of teenage girls or fancy Italian cars owned by rich pricks and prom queens. My feet dragged along the gravel, showing my hatred of the school in small steps. As I neared the school entrance I saw the devils helpers waiting for me. Not again. Stupid homophobic sandwiches. Yes. I called them a sandwich, problem? I sighed, meeting the 'leaders' eyes. "what's the matter princess? Aren't you happy to see me?" Bruno asked, mockingly. I smirked, " you know, you're dick might not be so small if you stopped shoving it into your personality, B." His backup, Jamie and Tony, snorted. Bruno glared at them, silencing them instantly. "pussies" I muttered, under my breath. "What was that, punk?" Tony growled. "Oh, Im sorry. I didn't realise you were deaf as well as stupid. Maybe that's why you're failing scho-" "-Don't get cheeky, princess. Wouldn't want Tony here to teach you a lesson now, would we?" Bruno smiled. "Oh, Yes please. I've always wanted to learn how to look like a constipated pig" I replied. I started to walk off, not waiting for a reply, when I was pushed to the ground. I Rolled over onto my back as Tony straddled me. Sigh. If only it was Derek. Well. I knew this was going to happen. Although I did expect them to jump me on my way out of school, not in. I never get away with my sarcastic remarks. I felt a sharp stinging pain from my right cheek and realised that while I had zoned out, Tony had punched me. I groaned, not looking forward to the bruise that was sure to ruin my beautiful face the next day. Tony threw punch after punch before getting up and repeatedly kicking my stomach. I blacked out after the 15'th kick. Dreamland here I come.


I woke up, glaring at the sun that was directly overhead. I picked myself up from the floor, Glancing around and noticing that I was still in the school yard. I checked the time, Damn. I've been knocked out on the floor for three hours. Well. I might as well go home and face the parentals. I found myself walking slowly home, admiring the silent roads and closed shops. It was always quiet this time of day. Everyone was either at work or in school. I plugged my headphones in and lost myself to my chemical romance. Sometimes I hate walking. It clears my head too much and makes room for plenty of disgruntled thoughts. I know I don't have the worst life, but I also don't have the best. I used to enjoy walking as a child. But then again, All I had to think about back then, was ice cream flavours and getting back in time for the newest episode of Teenage mutant ninja turtles. I looked up, realising I was outside my house and continued on through the door. Strange, I thought. My fathers Coat and shoes are here, And so are my mothers. They should be at work for another 8 hours. I heard talking coming from the kitchen and headed in there. My parents were hunched over a leaflet at the breakfast table. Their heads snapped up as I reached them. My mother fumbling with her fingers and my dad leaning back in his chair. His beady eyes set in a cold glare directed at me. "What are you doing home son?" Mum said nervously. " I felt sick" I lied. "Oh, well take a seat. Your father and I need to speak with you" Confused, I sat down and looked expectantly at my mum. It was my dad who spoke first. "I don't want you here" He said bluntly. "So Im sending you away. You will be attending a boarding school for Troubled teens. Its a 4 year stay. No visits, and you aren't allowed to come home until the end of your stay. Hopefully they might be able to cure your...disease" He spat out. Um. What. The. Jammy. Dodger. "What? Why? I like it here. You can't just send me away to a stupid school to cure my homosexuality. I'm gay. I can't change that. I don't want to change that. Why can't you accept me? Mum? Tell him I can stay. Please?" I whimpered. Mum just turned her head defiantly before whispering " its for the best" And leaving the table. I looked at my dad properly for the first time in years. "Dad, Please don't do this. I love you. Don't you love me?" "No. I don't. You are no son of mine. You leave in the morning. The school is in England. By the time the school has ended, You will be old enough to care for yourself. You will not be coming back here. Fortunately for you. Your mother has convinced me to send you $20,000 A year. Well. it will be pounds in England. I expect to never see your face again. You have ruined my life. You are dead to me. Your mother has already packed your things for tomorrow. I suggest you go to bed. You leave at 4am. A car will drive you to the airport. When the plane has landed in Manchester, You will be driven down to the school in London. School will officially start in four days." He got up and left the room, and that's when I broke down. My father wasn't always like this. He used to love me,  Used to play games with me. That all changed when I told him I was gay. I thought he'd understand. He was the only one I thought I could trust. He promised he'd love me no matter what. I can still remember the look of disgust and disapproval that crossed his face when I told him. He walked away from me then, and clearly never looked back. 

I walked up to my room after grabbing a can of coke and some chips. I played video games until 2 in the morning. Trying to take my mind of things. I decided that I could sleep on the plane, and took a shower, standing under the spray of water for at least an hour before getting out and changing into a pair of black skinny jeans, black studded belt, black 'all the hate goes to my dick' shirt, Black converse and a black beanie. I decides to put a thick ring of eyeliner around my eyes. Its not like my dad cares right? I picked up my headphones, fastening them around my neck. They would be my only company until England. I picked up my Ipod, Phone and my chargers. Looking around my room I felt a sense of relief. I hated it. I wanted to stay here, not feel relieved about leaving. But a part of me was happy that I could get away from the bullies. Away from my dad. Start a new life. I made my way downstairs to find a note on the table.


Sorry we can't see you off. Me and your father had to leave last night for an important meeting in Florida. Your belongings are already on there way to England. They'll be there waiting for you at school. I know this is unfair. But I do love you. Maybe...If you change your mind about...boys. You could come visit us. Until then.

Mom x

I wiped away a stray tear. They couldn't even say goodbye. I heard a honk from outside and realised it was 4am. Time to go. To leave my old life behind and start a new one.

I walked out of the door, Locking it and posting the key through the letterbox. I'm not planning on returning. I can't stop being gay. Its not a choice. And even if it was, I wouldn't change a thing. Maybe I can finally be my sassy self in England. With that though, I walked down the path and never looked back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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