Angel with a shotgun

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Ever felt like you're being watched? Like someone's staring at you from afar. You can feel their eyes boring into your back and shivers race up and down your spine, racing to make the hairs on your skin stand on end. Almost as a salute to the danger you're bound to be in.

Ever felt like you're being watched? Helpless and too scared to move. Not strong enough to turn around and see who could possibly be eyeing you?

Right now i felt like i was being watched. And i struggled to keep my fear at arms length. Slowly i turned around. Ready to fight whoever wanted to steal my innocen- Woah mind. What the Hell. Then again if it was someone like Derek i sure wouldn't mind him stealing my inno- Woah. Stop. Jesus. Ew. My mind is unclean. Somebody wash me. Derek wash me. Yum. I could just imagine the water dripping down his skin as he bit his lip. Washing my Chest, He'd place kisses along my throat before slowly trailing down my stomach And grabbing a hold of my member as he wrapped his lips around th- FUCK. I was too busy day dreaming about Derek i had forgotten about the matter at hand and only remembered after i felt something going into my neck. Feeling drowsy i tripped and fell to the ground. Opening my eyes and seeing the one and only Derek standing there with a gun pointed at my head. He pulled the trigger and i...

Shot up in bed, slamming the alarm button with the palm of my hand as i tried to hit the snooze button. Hehe. Im Palming something other than my dick. Ew. Dirty thoughts stahhhpp. I opened my eyes, the light instantly blinding me as i rushed to make a dash for the bathroom before the evil monster that is called the sun murdered me with its rays. Okay. Maybe that's a slight over reaction. But in my defence the sun is a pretty scary and deadly source.

I decided that since I was in the bathroom, a shower would be a good choice. I cranked the knob on full, making sure it was hot before stripping and stepping in. I hurriedly washed my oh so sexy body before turning it off and getting out, wrapping a towel around my waist and brushing my teeth. After rummaging through my closet for something to wear I finally settled on my neon green jeans, black danisnotonfire and anazingphil shirt and my also neon green converse. I slipped on some boxers and my clothes before straightening my black bangs. Deciding that my hair was just not going to co-operate I shoved on a beanie. Hmm. My face looks too plain, I thought. I added a slight ring of eyeliner to my eyes, making the bright icy blue pop. I swapped my studs for rings for my snake bites and adjusted my nose ring. I gave myself a quick once over. Satisfied with the result I grabbed my ipod and made my way downstairs to the kitchen where my mother was making breakfast. My father, as usual, was reading a newspaper. He looked up, glared at me in disgust, muttered fag and then returned his gaze to his newspaper.

My father and I had a strained relationship. He didn't approve of my homosexuality and made digs whenever he deemed fit. He thought my wardrobe choice was embarrassing and often said as much everyday. I know he loved me least I hoped so. I frowned, realising I had got carried away with my thoughts. Of course my dad loved me...right? I shook my head and sat down at the table, my mum set a plate of bacon, eggs, tomatoes and toast in front of me. Yum. My favourite. I gobbled it up before grabbing my car keys and setting off to school. Hell, here I come.

Angel with a shotgunWhere stories live. Discover now