Chapter 4

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Here's the other chapter guys!! Hehehe maybe I'll make a sequel of this story (but its too early hehehe) .... But still having second thoughts... So what do you think??? Tnx guys


~James' POV~

What did I do wrong??? I offered her money but she won't take it..... I need a better plan to apologize for what happen to her, but why the hell do I care!!!

I shrugged the topic off and go back to my class.... I really need to plan something which she will accept....

When I got to class, of course I got detention of being late. So here I am sitting and doing nothing but to think of my other plan....

And it occurred to me.... What if I date her??

No! Heck no! Me? Date that nerd!?

But it's just out of pity....

But she's not my type and all.....

What the heck is wrong with me!? Am I having a debate with myself!?

C'mon James.... Think! Think! I was pacing back and forth, it was my habit when I think too serious.... Yeah and I think about this way too serious.... Ugh!!! I hate plans!

Aha! I am a genius! I treat her equally... I'll be a gentleman without her knowing it! Why didn't I think of it so soon! What the.... And I said I was a genius!? Nah!! Never mind!!

But yeah I'll do that one......

~Jamie's POV~

When I left the garden, I just ran back into our classroom, at least I was given another chance by my teacher to let me pass detention....

After all the subjects were done, I hurriedly went into my locker and turn my head from left to right, when the coast was clear I ran into my locker and put my things inside it as soon as possible.... I mean.... Literary...

"Uhh.... Hey Jamie" I froze from where I was standing, I knew it was him and I didn't dare to look back or at him because I know he's there... I slowly gulped down and closed my locker like I was scared that I would lose my dear life... Wait what? Dear life??? Since when did I even care about my life!? But I ignored it.

I just continued my walking completely ignoring him, but he still managed to catch up "hey! Wait up!" He said while walking beside me.




Ignore was all that was in my mind right now....

When suddenly he blocked the path and said "I'll take you home" aww that's so sweet!


What did he say???

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Is he serious?? "Are you serious? Because it didn't sound like you" I said nervously, but he just chuckled he grabbed my arm and said "c'mon, I'll bring you home" but I instantly pulled away my hand from him and made up an excuse "no i-it's fine! M-my house is really not far away from here" I said... Hey! At least I was honest!

But he dust grabbed my hand again and pulled me towards his car and I just let him take me home....

The drive from there was silent (except when you consider it without the radio) but it was a comfortable silence which made me relieved.

He pulled Into our drive way (how did he know our house?)

And I unbuckled the seat belt and hopped off his car, I saw him getting near me, and when he did "you didn't have to open the door.... You should let me do it next time" he said and I blushed at his comment.. Wait... What next time!?

I covered my face so he won't notice the blush creeping into my cheeks and I hurriedly went in front of the door of my apartment. Then suddenly he grabbed my hand and said "goodbye J" and I just nodded and continued to walk inside my apartment.

What changed him all of the sudden??? Was he planning something??? Whatever it is....


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