Part One - Home

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Hey guys! It's been so long since I've started a new book. I didn't even have any plan to and my hand just moved on its own and urged me to write this book. I hope you enjoy this story!


"I'm so sorry Miss (Y/n)... They didn't make it".

Surrounded by fire. Choking you. Your sight starting to become blurry.

The sight is too much to bear for you and your mom while you were witnessing the scene the you didn't want to see.

"Honey! Just leave me! Go and protect (Y/n)!"

Your mom carried you in her arms protectively while running away, trying to fight the tears forming from the corner of her eyes. Making sure that you are safe and reassured. You saw your dad having a hard time fighting some 'bad guys', while coughing up some blood when he was stabbed in his sides.

Stretching your arms and shouting his name, your mom couldn't help but close her eyes and wait for all of it to pass. But things didn't go smoothly according to her plan. A dad looking villain blocked your mom's only path to get outside. Using her quirk to manipulate the villain, she tried to bring down the thug but failed to do so.

The man landed a strong punch at her sides that sent the both of you away. You quickly searchef for your mom and saw her under a few woods that strained her to get out. Her eyes were pleading. Tears streaming down her face. "Mama!!" you shouted, trying to help her stand up but all she said was "Sweetie go get some help! Run away!" before you can protest she shouted once more "Just go!!" Tears started to stream down your (skin color), delicate face. You kissed your mom one last time and took the courage to stand up and run as fast as you can.

Yoy looked back and the last thing that you heard from her was her soft voice.

"I love you sweetie, I will always do"

Before you can do anything, you saw your mom being stabbed by the thug with a crazy smile plastered on his face. Making you frozen on your place and scream for your mom's name.

Where are the pro-heroes?! Where are they when you needed them the most?! These thoughts crossed to your mind and you tried to be brave and she it beside. Once again, you ran as fast as you can. Looking for help. Pleading for help. Anyone. Someone. Save me. Save us.

The heroes are now capturing the villains that attacked almost all of the places in the city. You called for help. Screaming at the top of your lungs.

And as if the gods heard you, the heroes came and one talked to you with a really concerned tone before the darkness started to fill your vision anf pass out.

You woke up with a bright light greeting you. You squinted your eyes, tried to sit up and scanned the room like you were some kind of a hawk. You noticed that you were at the hospital near your house since this place was already familiar to you. You were about to ask why but then, the flashback came.

Blood gushing out. Screaming voices. Villains attacking. Fire surrounding you. Mom. Dad. Wait... "MOM! DAD!"

Your thoughts were suddenly cut off when someone walked in assuming that it is the doctor. You quickly shot your head up and asked the doctor many questions. "Where are my my parents? Are they okay?! They are right?!" you asked. Waiting for the answer of the doctor, he looked down and looked like he was having a hard time to put it into words.

"Miss (Y/n)"

You stared at the doctor and insisted for him to continue, finding the answers that yoy were looking for. That was not the face and reaction that you're looking for...No don't say it...

The Manipulative Hero: Dominion  [ Todoroki Shoto x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now