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    "Well," Claire yawned. "I guess I'm going to hit the hay. Don't stay out too long, Jim. Goodnight." she softly kissed the top of her boyfriend's head and retreated back into her tent as the sun began to rise. Jim smiled after her for a moment, but let the expression falter after just a moment. He scooched backward into the shadows as quietly as he could in that confounded metal armor.
    He allowed himself a long sigh. He yearned to reach his arm out into the light and feel the sun's warmth on his skin. He wished to feel cool grass against his bare arms as he sat and admired the beautiful colors of the sky.
    He missed sunrises. There were days when all he could do was wallow in regret for not taking the chances that were now gone. He sadly admitted to himself that he'd taken sunrises for granted.
    With the faintest of smiles fluttering across his lips, he thought fondly and sadly of his first real kiss with Claire. He remembered feeling so at home, so happy, and so free in the early morning light after being in the dark for far too long. The love of his life had thrown her arms around him, squeezing him tightly in her embrace. She had been so warm, and his butterflies had fluttered in his stomach, filling his heart with happiness and nervousness. Most of all though, he remembered her soft lips pressing against his. Everything about it had been so real, but now he was just cold and hard.
    His humanity was gone. Never again would he feel a soft heartbeat in his own chest as he lie awake in bed at night. He wouldn't feel the warmth of hot chocolate filling his body after an icy and exhausting snow day with Toby. He wouldn't taste his own homemade dinners or delivery pizza at Toby's house. Cooking gourmet meals in the kitchen would never be the same. His days of struggling through fitness class and laughing at his sweaty and exhausted self afterward were gone. High school, normal friendships, a future with a loving family and a solid career...gone.
    And though the world was better for  it, one tiny selfish piece of him wished for a moment
that he could take his old life back.

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