what hell really entails

Start from the beginning

        "We're done," Harry says giving me a small smile. And I'm sad to say it doesn't make my tummy do flip flops. 

        It was a shame honestly. Developing celebrity crushes was so hard nowadays for me that not even one of the hottest boys on Earth could make my breath stutter or my heart pound. 

        I stifle back a yawn, suddenly hit with how tired I was. I really need to regulate my sleeping schedule. "We can bring your stuff upstairs tomorrow morning if you want," I say my words mixing together a bit. "Come on." 

         They stay still, exchanging looks again. 

         I look at them before realizing why they weren't moving. Zayn twists the cup in his hand sheepishly. "Just put the cups down wherever, I'll put 'em later," I chuckle, motioning for them to follow me. 

        Checking back to make sure they were following me, I walk up the steps, taking two at a time. This was not how I wanted to spend my Wednesday night. I wanted to be in bed already. 

        I wipe my watery eyes and point to the room the farthest down the hall. "Niall and Zayn, you guys get that room because it's the biggest and it has two beds already."

        I look over at the other 3 boys. They're taking in this floor of the house, most likely surprised that 2 women lived in a house this large. It was incredibly large for only 2 people to live in, but it's where we had to live as long as my mom had this job. It wouldn't do to have  small house to house these guests. 

        "Uh," I say bringing them out of their observations, "you guys can pick out any room you want I guess. The one to the right of my room is off limits, but the others are okay."

        "Which one's yours?" Harry asks smirking a bit. He unties the bandana holding back his mop curls and wraps it around his fist. 

        I hold back a snort. He's in desperate need of a hair cut, holy shit. 

        "The one in the middle," I say walking towards it. They could figure out the room arrangements without me. I wasn't in the mood to stick around and see who would end up in what room. "I'll see you guys in the morning then?" 

         "G'night Maya," they all call out to me as I stumble into my room.

        One of them grabs my wrist gently. "Thanks," Liam smiles again and I'd be lying if I said it didn't cause my lips to tug up a bit.         

        As mean as it sounds, I'm impressed these boys have manners at least. You could never tell someone's true colors by their public appearance. It was something you had to learn the harsh way.


Fuck, I forgot to set the alarm. 

        Groaning, because now I have to get off my ass, walk all the way downstairs and go turn on the stupid goddamn alarm, I throw off the covers. 

        And immediately regret it because goosebumps are already appearing on my skin. 

        I mean, this is my own fault seeing as I tend to leave my fan on and drop the temperature low enough for it to be chilly. And I only sleep in a big flannel too, but it's warm enough so who cares. 

        I should probably put some pants on to beat the cold, but I was going to crawl back into my bed in 5 minutes tops so whatever. 

        Grabbing my phone off the night stand, I put on the flashlight, feeling a tiny bit embarrassed by my fear of the dark. (My house is huge, so I wouldn't say my fear is that irrational)

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