Chapter 30 - Busted

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I walked to the kitchen and saw Louis talking to some random guy.

"It's like I can't trust anybody anymore!" he was shouting as he took Drisheen from my counter and started to eat it.

"Why are you eating that?" The guy asked him.

"I'm starving."

"Don't you hate those though? I mean I do and everyone I know does, we sometimes get these in gym class when we wanna go up a weight class." said the guy.

"What?" Louis said right away and walking to the garbage to spit out what he was eating. 

"They make you gain weight like crazy."

"That m-"

As Louis was turning around the kitchen, I guess looking for me, I ran out right away. 

Minutes later, he ran out and I guess he went to his house or something.

*Louis' P.O.V* - At his house.

He ran to his room and doesn't even say hello to his mum. His eyes are red and he has tears all over his face. He takes the burn book from his bed and takes a picture of him and Niall. As he's flipping through the book, he finds a blank space. 

He takes the picture and rips it in two. He took his own picture and glued it in the book then took a pen and wrote, "This guy is the nastiest, gayest, sassiest person I've ever met. Do not trust him! He's a fugly sass!" Under the picture, he wrote "Louis William Tomlinson."

He closes the book and wipes his tears away, then throws it somewhere around his room and jumps on his bed to cry himself to sleep.

About half an hour later, when he was asleep, his mom came in his room and saw him there. She didn't say anything and just left a tray with some food on his night table then closed the door.

When Louis woke up, he refused to eat anything, as he knew that he was getting fatter so his clothes wouldn't fit him.

Mean Gays (1D Version of Mean Girls)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora