A step in the right direction

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When Blake hangs up the phone he kicks the dirt into the air. His mom is right, this isn't how she raised him and this isn't like him either. He can't pin point why he feels the need to push her away so hard. Doing this though could cost him Jupiter. He has become accustom to being the father of two boys and he is used to having a mom around for the boys. Richie needs her just as much as he needs Jupiter. He doesn't know how he is gonna do it but he has to apologize to her and then he needs to show his mom that he stepped up and did as he should. He had planned to spend Saturday working all day because he was behind and Gwen didn't mind having the boys but now he makes the decision to ask Gwen and the boys to go into Oklahoma City and eat at his favorite restaurant, ol' red, and maybe go to the zoo again. He knows how much Richie and Jupiter love animals. He just needs it to be something that shows Gwen he really is sorry.

Gwen is sitting on the couch with both boy crashed on her watching Mickey Mouse. He stands at the door for a minute where he know she can't see him and he surprises himself in the fact that he likes seeing the three of them there. Had someone told him a year ago that this was gonna be his view, he would have told them they are crazy. Hell the blonde sitting on his couch he would have pictured as Miranda. He shakes all thoughts of her out of his mind. He doesn't need to go down that road now. Instead he walks into the living room making his presence known.

"Hey hmm Gwen. I was wondering if you would want to take the boys into Oklahoma City and go to the zoo and to dinner at this restaurant that I love." Blake asks Gwen

At the word Zoo Richies head snaps to look at Blake, clearly having an understanding for the word.

"Animals dada?" Richie asks

"Do you want to go see the animals?" Gwen asks Richie

"Animals mama!" Jupiter answers joins making both adults laugh

"I say we are going to Oklahoma City." Gwen said smiling. "Wait didn't you say you needed to work today?"

"Yeah but work can wait. I think the boys deserve an outing with the both of us."

"Yeah I think it's a great idea. I just need to get myself ready and the boys ready."

"I need a shower to cause I was in the barn mucking stalls. Why don't you finish Mickey with the boys and I'll go grab a shower. Then I'll get the boys ready while you get ready."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I can handle it."

"Ok sounds good."

Gwen is totally confused. One minuet he is rude and running to the barn to escape being around her and then he is in here planning a trip to the city. She feels like she has whip lash.
After the two hour drive to Oklahoma City, they arrive at the zoo. Both boys are asleep so Blake gets the stroller out while Gwen unbuckles one of the boys. As she pulls Richie from his seat he begins to stir and is instantly clinging to her.


"Hey baby boy! Did you have a good nap?" Gwen asks as she bends to put him in the new double stroller they ordered when they realized they couldn't push two strollers alone.

"No!!! No no no no mama no!!!" Richie began screaming

"Woah baby it's ok. Calm down. Shhhhhhh." Gwen says standing up and pulling him back into her

"What's wrong?" Blake asks walking up to them and placing a hand on Richie's back

"I'm not sure I tried to put him in the stroller and he starting screaming and clinging to me."

More than he bargained forWhere stories live. Discover now