Branches - Chapter 2

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“Fine.” I said, yet kept looking at the window that only had the colors of night flowing through it from outside.

“My real name is Samuel Johnson.  I’m originally from San Diego, California, which is how I met your father, when he was stationed out there.  He was actually my commanding officer when I was out there, and when we went to combat your father and I always had each other’s backs, despite the age difference.  I was eighteen at the time, just fresh out of high school.” He started to say.  He went on and on about his life, and told a few stories about his time at war.  I just sat there my eyes now holding onto his every word.  From his stories whether how true or not, he made my father out to be the hero in almost everyone.

“So after all that when did my father decide to become a kidnapper?  Sorry.” I said as soon as I saw his facial expression.

“I know this is hard for you, but trust me when I say, and I told you this before, your father and I have been captives of the enemy once or twice before ourselves, but the difference is you are being held captive by someone who actually cares about you, not someone who still wants you dead at the end of the day.  Keep that in mind Duchess.” He said with a dark look on his face.  His words sunk their way into my mind, as my thoughts began to think of his stories.

“Oh sorry, I thought the Duchess had escaped again.  I apologize Sir.” Rex said as he rushed through the open door way, slightly startling both Johnson and I.

“No worries, the Duchess and I were just talking that’s all.  However, we both should probably get some more sleep.” He said as he looked at me, slightly nodding towards me as he began to exit the room.

“Thank you.” I said softly, I knew he didn’t have to tell me those stories that he did, and whether or not they were true, they did help me relax.  Lt. Johnson just smiled, and pat Rex’s shoulder as he exited the room.

“I’ll be right outside if you need anything your Highness.” Rex said as he looked at me.  I knew he disliked me; I did after all break his nose the last time I tried to escape.  I just simply nodded back at him and laid back down in the covers, and as I heard the door shut, I could only hope sleep wouldn’t come; I didn’t want to dream the same nightmare. Every time my eyes began to close, I quickly opened them back up and turned over preventing myself from falling asleep. Finally, I just got up and walked over towards the window, where I watched the darkness turn to light with the rays of the morning sun.  I hadn’t realized how long I had been standing there, just looking out the window thinking about Johnson’s stories and thinking of the past and wondering if my father was truly the great man everyone claimed he was.

“Duchess? Are you alright?” I heard Nikole ask as she slightly touched my arm, making me slightly jump.

“Oh sorry yes.” I said softly with a smile as I turned towards her.

“Your father has asked for you to join him for breakfast, would you like for me to help you get dressed again this morning?” She asked softly, I could still see the hint of worry on her face, I couldn’t really blame her, and usually she’s the one waking me up in the mornings.

“No thank you, I think I can manage.” I said as I turned and went into the bathroom to get changed and clean up from another sleepless night.  The bags and dark circles under my eyes were beginning to become a lot more noticeable.  I quickly checked on my now forming scar where I had hit my head on the floor and also along my side, when one of Victor’s men had tried to kill me when I first arrived.  The scar was a bright shade of pink, and as I began my daily routine of trying to attempt to cover the dark circles and scars, I started to wonder was this going to be my life?  Wake up, wander around my prison then go to bed?  Why did my so-call “father” keep me here?  It was time for answers, whether my father was prepared or not, I was going to get answers from him today.

Branches - On HoldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant