"Evelyn? Candice?" Bryce raises her eyebrows as they look up in surprise. "What are the two of you doing here, shouldn't you be packing?"

"It's never too late for a sleepover," Candice says, giving Bryce a grin as she holds up a tan bag. "Mind if we spend tonight with you?"

"Of course not," the brunette hides her smile, glad to have company. "As long as you're up to climbing on the roof. I'd like to watch the sunset before packing the rest of my things."

"I brought some cookies, even though it has nothing to do with our current topic," Evelyn interjects, pulling a plastic container from her night bag. "So lets get started with this sleepover, shall we?"

Bryce chuckles as her friends bustle into her home, making their way to the bedroom with their bags. She wondered why they would make a trip here, even though they had so much to do in the morning. All of them would be leaving for Hawaii, and this would be a huge distraction. But, what Bryce realized, is that she really needed a distraction.

"We can pick up our luggage in the morning— before we leave for the train, that is," Candice says as she slips out of the window. "Good lord, Dylan, why must you climb from a window to look at the sun?"

"I haven't done it in a while, and I'm not opposed to watching the sunset one more time before we leave," Bryce shrugs, watching as Candice settles down beside of her.

"I'm sure the sunset in Hawaii will be just as beautiful," Evelyn chimes, not complaining as she climbs onto the roof. "If not, even more so. I can only hope we'll be positioned somewhere next to the harbor."

It wouldn't be the same, though— at least to Bryce. It would be the same sun, but not the same place. And that made all the difference in the world.

"Well, don't tell anyone, but," Candice pauses, leaning a little closer to the other women, "my letter was a little more specific than what you two received. Half of us will stay back to work on the hospital, and the other half will spend most of the day at a pilot sight nearby; to help with procedures of abandonment, of course."

As far as Bryce had heard, only eight nurses had been chosen for the repositioning. That meant four would be with the pilots, while the others would take on their usual routine in a different hospital.

"Procedures of abandonment . . . " Evelyn trails off, furrowing her eyebrows. "What exactly does that mean, Candice?"

"In case of an emergency, a pilot needs to know how to treat certain wounds," the blonde replies, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "Especially when they're in a tough situation, or only have limited time or supplies. Those nurses have the job of teaching them the simplicity of care."

"Why would they need us, then?" Bryce asks, her eyes stuck on the sun that was inching behind the buildings. "If they'll be capable of doing it after a few days, why are they having us move all the way over there?"

"We were recruited because of the nurse shortage," Candice explains. "Most of the nurses on the harbor are out with the pilots that left for Europe; we're there as extras. And since we're pretty high up on the medical and nurse field, we were a better option than most. Besides, Hawaii isn't that far, anyway."

Bryce found herself hoping that she, Evelyn, and Candice would be placed in the same group. It didn't matter which group they were in; as long as they were together, things would be alright. But what if they weren't? The brunette knew that, despite how much she wouldn't like it, she would survive while apart from the others. She'd have the chance to meet new people, and learn new things.

"I'm really going to miss the two of you," Bryce sighs, lying her head on Evelyn's shoulder. "Well, if we're separated, that is."

"We'll all be living at the same house, anyway," Candice assures her, nudging Bryce with her elbow. "You can't get away from us that easily."

Bryce hoped that was true. But for now, she wasn't going to focus on the small things. Her friends were here with her, up on the roof, watching the sunset together.

The sun finally disappeared from sight, leaving the sky in a bright pink of rays. Stars began to peak out from under the clouds, the wisps of white fading away. It was a gorgeous sight; to see the moon glow brighter than everything else around, the air growing cold and the sky going darker. Lights from the houses nesrby began to turn on, and Bryce smiled to herself.

"The two of you can't tell me that you won't be missing that," she lets out a breath.

"I know one thing you won't be missing," Candice giggles. "That pilot that came to the hospital today. He'll be joining us in Hawaii, and you can take up his offer for a date soon enough."

The truth is; Bryce had actually forgotten about Danny. And maybe it was because she was so worrisome, but she wasn't sure if they would actually get around to going out. He seemed nice enough, from what she could tell, and would possibly enjoy it. And one thing that had lurked in her mind since she first met him was his beautiful eyes. She hid the blush on her cheeks, deciding to be nonchalant.

"We'll see," Bryce rolls her eyes at their teasing. "We'll see."


temper → DANNY WALKER ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora