Onii-chan [Norway x Iceland fanfiction]

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Today is a snowy day. Norway is walking through the street's thick snow, heading to his house. He then noticed a little guy together with a little puffin, sitting on the thick snow, feeling too cold. So he walked towards them and knelt down.

"Are you alone?" He asked the little guy. The little guy just nodded. Next, Norway asked, "What's your name?"

"I don't have any." This little guy answered, pouting his puffy cheeks. How adorable, Norway thought.

Norway thought for a while and then lifted the little guy. "From now on, your name is Iceland." He named the little guy, "Jag heter Norge." He said in his native language and added, "Call me onii-chan instead."

A smile formed on Iceland's face and hugged the Norwegian with his small arms. "Onii-chan! Onii-chan!" He called Norway happily.

Norway, who have a small smile on his face, headed home with little Iceland.

~~~End of flashback~~~


"No way."




"That doesn't make any sense."

Those are the things you'll always hear from Norway and Iceland. Well, Norway wants to hear Iceland call him onii-chan again, but Iceland always deny, so the Norwegian made a plan—which is for Iceland to call him onii-chan again.


"Norge! Just one kiss!" Denmark's voice shouted.

Norway sighed deeply. "No."

"Ehh! Norge! Please!"



"Argh. Fine." Norway then neared his face to Denmark's cheek, preparing to kiss the Danish' cheek.

Iceland saw that, clutching his chest as he felt that his heart is going to explode from jealousy, so he went to the kitchen and grabbed the knife. Once he have something, he can not share it to anyone. And that is Norway. Why, you ask? He's jealous, jealous of Denmark. After he grabbed the knife, he showed himself to the two, then started rushing to Denmark to stab him and while shouting, "HE IS ONLY MINE! MINE!" After that, he stabbed someone. No, it is not Denmark who he was going to stab, but the person he loves very much, Norway.

Norway's lifeless body fell into the ground, forming a pool of blood around the corpse. Iceland dropped the knife, and knelt down beside the poor body. "Norway... Norway...!" Iceland called, but no response. "O-O..." Is he really gonna call him onii-chan? "Onii-chan! Onii-chan! Wake up! Wake up! Don't die, please..." He shouted, shaking the lifeless body.

Norway smiled, and opened his eyes, "I-Iceland..." He said his last word to say, and died. His heartbeat stopped after a few seconds.

His plan failed. But in the end, Iceland called him onii-chan again. So he died, with a smile on his face.

Onii-chan [Norway x Iceland fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now