Start from the beginning

My heart aches to tell her. But she might take it badly. It seems like she forgot about the chemistry we had during filming. It may not have been spoken but it was real. I knew I had feelings for her when I met her for the first time. And I can almost guarantee that she felt the same. But now things are different.

I see her glance at me, "What's the matter, Finnie?"


"I know you're not okay. Just tell me."

I shake my head, "I'm not okay right now but I will be."

She nods, knowing not to push it.

Soon enough, we are at a big house with a bunch of lights and blaring music.


Iris Apatow.

Millie's pov

Iris leans against a railing outside, her friends at both sides.

"Iris!" Finn calls to her, making the pretty blonde turn around.

A bright smile lights up her face, making her look even more beautiful.

"Wolfhard!" She says as she runs to him.

They collide in a harmony of talking and laughing.

I look down, a pang of jealousy swirling in my stomach. The rest of the group hugs her and laughs. She gushes happily about Sadie's outfit. She looks my direction, spotting me

"Oh my god! Hey Millie! You look so cute!" She hugs me enthusiastically, startling me.

"Hi Iris."

I watch as she turns and grabs Finn's hand, taking him into the party. The others follow, in groups of two. I'm alone.

I search the party for Jacob. Is he here? He said a second ago that he was almost here.

I glance towards my friends. Sadie and Noah are dancing together, jumping up and down to the Bruno Mars song. Gaten and Caleb are also dancing, doing a strange interpretive dance together.

My face goes red as I watch Finn and Iris dance, their bodies extremely close. She now has her arm leaning on his broad shoulder. My jealousy crawls up my throat, like a fire.

I turn, hearing a familiar voice. Jacob.

I strut towards him, trying to look hot. He looks me up and down, biting his lip with a sly smile on his face.

"Damn! You look hot," he says loudly, wrapping his arms around me.

I hug him close, feeling his arms on my lower back. It feels good to be back in his arms.

He kisses my cheek as he lets me go.

We part and I lead him to the big mob of people dancing. We grind and move together with the music. Laughing and singing along, I feel content.

A few times, I part from Jacob. I glance around, laughing with the others. Sadie and I dance back to back like children and giggle deliriously. I haven't felt this content with the others since filming the second season. I cherish the moment.

A slow song comes on and Jacob eyes me. I wrap my arms around his neck, his hands snaking down onto my hips. I grin.

Finn's pov

I glance over at Millie for a moment, seeing Jacob kissing Millie on the cheek. I shake my head, sickened by it.

Iris moves my chin to look at her, "I'm sorry that you have to see this," she nods to the couple to our left.

"It's fine."

She shakes her head, the wild curls that have fallen out of her bun bounce, "No it's not fine. You're in love with her and you have to pretend that you don't."

I open my mouth to protest, "Come on Finn. I know you better than that," she says, moving her hands around my neck for the slow song.

"And everyone thinks that you and I are secretly a thing," I chuckle.

"Just cause we kissed for a stupid music video? That's funny," she smiles her genuine Iris smile, "Everyone thinks that since Sadie and Caleb kissed, that they're dating now. But they're not."

I nod, "Yea it's funny. I've learned to just ignore it. It's not really annoying, it's just amusing."

She looks at me, pausing for a moment as if to collect her thoughts, "Finn, it's really nice to see you. It's been so long."

I nod, "I know right. It's been so long and I've missed our long talks in the-"

"-in the middle of the night," she finishes my sentence making both of us laugh.

I glance over at Millie again, Jacob's hands touching the curve of her hips.

Iris looks at me intensely, "Finn. Promise me that you'll try and be happy. It hurts me to see you like this. I see the way you look at her."

I look down, Iris cupping my face in her hand, "Finn please. You're my best friend. I don't want you hurt."

In that moment, Jacob moves away to the food table, leaving Millie alone on the dance floor.

Iris smirks and gives me a little nudge, "Go get that girl."
Now listen to "Stole My Heart" by One Direction. And when you're listening, just imagine Finn thinking the lyrics of this song. It'll give you a good picture about how he feels when he watches her dance.

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