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Millie's pov

I slip my phone in my pocket, sighing. I glance at the clock.


"Holy shit, I've been on the phone for 2 hours?"

I stand up quickly, going to my closet for a sweatshirt. I rub my arms, skimming through the clothes.

I run my fingers across Jacob's sweatshirt. I almost grab it. But I take one of Paige's instead.

I open the door, peering around the empty apartment. No Sadie. Where'd she go?

Moving towards the counter, I see a note sitting on the counter.

Hey Mills,
You were still on ft with Jacob and I was bored so I went to chill with the guys. Hope you don't mind :)


I set the note down and head towards the door.

I knock gently and I'm greeted by Caleb's annoyed face.

"Oh hey Mills."

"What's wrong? You look pissed."

"Oh. It's just that Gaten made us watch the Notebook. Again," he rolls his eyes.

I laugh, "Can I come in?"

"Of course!" He moves aside, allowing me to see the others huddled on the couch. Sadie is laying across Noah and Finn with her head on Finn's lap and her feet in Noah's face. Gaten and Finn have a box of tissues sitting in between them.

"I would've brought more tissues if you told me," I say as Finn and Gaten glance towards me. Sadie sits up and Noah turns his head.

Finn laughs, "I'm fine now but I think Gaten could've used them."

Gaten glances at me, tears streaming down his face, "They're so in love," he exclaims in a weepy voice. He holds up his hand, which has a balled up tissue in it. He blows his nose with a new one.

Sadie laughs.

Soon, the credits roll and we turn the TV off.

"So when is that party?" I say, brushing popcorn off of me.

Finn and Noah glance at each other, "Its at eight."

"Oh okay."

Sadie yawns, "I'm tired. I'm probably gonna sleep until 6:30."

Noah says, "You look super tired faucet. Get some Z's in before we all go out partying."

We all stand up, Gaten, Caleb, and Noah heading to their rooms in the large apartment.

Finn leads Sadie and I to the door.

"By Mooney," Sadie ruffles Finn's hair.

He chuckles as I head out the door as well.

He grabs my hand, looking at me intensely, "It's good to see you."

I nod, "It's been so long."

He pauses then wraps me in a tight hug. I'm surprised but I return the embrace. I feel a hot guilt in my stomach as I smell Finn's light evergreen cologne. It's nothing like Jacob's. I lie to myself, telling myself that I like Jacob's better.

He lets me go, I think I feel regret in his arms as they slip away from me.

He smiles shyly at me as he closes the door, "See ya Millie."

I smile to myself, savoring Finn's warm touch. I shake my head quickly. I shouldn't be thinking this. I'm gonna see my boyfriend in just a few hours. The boy I love.

I look back at where Finn and I just stood, confused at what I really want.

Finn's pov

I glance at the clock on the oven.


I yawn, getting up from the couch after falling asleep.

I pad quietly to my room, sliding the door open. I go through my closet, picking a pair of black jeans and a checkered button up.

I put it on quickly, going into Noah's room. He's on his phone, smiling at the screen.

"Why do you look so happy?"

He glances up at me, "What? Oh. I just read something that made me smile."

I could tell it was more than that but who knows. Noah laughs at everything.

"It's about 7. You should get ready now, since we have to walk."

He nods, "Yea. I'll meet you outside in ten."

"I'm gonna go to the girls' apartment. Meet me there."

He nods, sliding his shirt over his head as I leave the room.

Walking faster than I need to, I jog to the room across the hall.

I wait for some one to answer as I knock rapidly. Millie appears at the door with a sleepy smile on her face, "Hey Finnie."

I grin at her sleepy expression, "Hey Millie. Did I wake you up?"

"It's fine. I wanted to get up around now anyways."

She opens the door more and I walk in. Millie sits on the couch and pats the spot next to her.

"Sadie's still asleep."

"That's good. She looked super tired."


I reposition my long on the couch, "So when's Jacob coming?"

"He's meeting us there."

"Are you excited to see him?"

She smiles like she has a secret, "Yea."

I frown when she looks down, saddened by her excitement to see him. It hurts.

She all of a sudden grabs my wrist. I look down, seeing her study the broken finger, "Sadie was talking about this earlier."

"My finger?" I look at it too, the splint still on it because fingers take forever to heal.

"Yea. She said that you broke it while jumping into the pool at her party."

I laugh, remembering how everyone was so worried about me as it swelled into a huge purple lump, "Yea. That was fun."

She looks slightly hurt, "We all wanted you there you know," I reassure her.

She looks at me, "I was...busy. I didn't see the invitation."

"I get it. You made your priorities."

She flinches when I say it. She knows I mean Jacob.

"I'm just glad we're all together now. It feels...right," she closes her eyes, grinning.

"Me too."

We sit in silence for a few minutes until Millie checks her phone.

"Crap. I should get ready."

She stands, our hands still intertwined. Her face turns an almost unnoticeable shade of pick and we quickly part.

I sit alone on the couch.

I shake my head, feeling depressed and defeated. She has a boyfriend that she loves. Why should I get in the way of that? They seem happy enough. I shouldn't be allowed to feel this way. I need to stop. I can't compromise her like this. She doesn't deserve this.

I push my feelings aside as Noah walks in. Behind him are Gaten and Caleb, dressed to impress.

"Are the girls ready yet?"

𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠~𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now