Chapter 15 (Bast, Bentley & Bj)

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Bast has no idea what she is doing, and that's saying something. All she knows is, she's in a canoe with Violet and Sam. She held onto the paddle, as Sam sang behind her and Violet using the other paddle to push them forward. Violet is telling them what to do but Bast wasn't pay attention, instead she is listening to Sam.

She didn't look back for fear of not hearing her singing. Bast knew that she wasn't falling in love, because she isn't over Jian and Sam is dating Bj, but something about Sam's voice. It made everything around her quiet, and every note she hit perfectly. Sam's voice even made the ripples stop, the boat stopped.

"Violet, what's wrong?" Bast asked.

Sam stop singing, which everything moved again. Bast turn around and saw Violet shaking her head. Bast looked at Sam, who look confused and reached back to make sure that Violet is okay. Violet nodded, telling both girls that she is okay but Bast wasn't so sure. She look in front of her and saw Beatrix and Camilla giggling as they tossed water at each other.

She would be doing that with Jian. No, Bast is not going to dwell on things they could've done. Bast refuses to live in the past. Jian wouldn't want her to sulk around, he would want her to be happy and live her life. Bast will see him again, but right now she needs to live her life.

And help Benjamin with Russell. Bast loves being Cupid, it was really fun last year.

"We should be careful, they say the waves out here are dangerous." Violet said.

Bast raised her eyebrow, "But we're in the river. How can the waves be dangerous?"

"How should I know? How come we have powers? How come cities sink? We don't know but it just happens."

"Cities sink? That's odd."

Sam tap on Bast's shoulder, "Am I the only one who sees that?"

Bast looked over and saw two people standing there. One of them looks fimaliar, like she seen him people. The boy grey hair, dark black suit and he carried a cane. Darkness came from his body, images form taking different shades. They all show mutliple things but mostly fear. The girl stood there, she is tall, deep tan, long hair and wore a pirate coat. She looked at Bast, narrowing her eyes. 

"They've never been here before." Violet said.

Bast stood up, she put her hand over his belt. She got ready to smash the button to transform into her super suit, but the two strangers vanished. Bast narrowed her eyes, waiting to see if they would come back. They didn't.

"Who are they?" Bast asked.

"Campers?" Sam suggested.

"No, I never seen them, but they could be from the other camp." Violet said.

"Another camp?" Bast asked.

Violet nodded, "Yup. We got another camp across from us. We have annual relay races with them."

Bast nodded as she sat back down, her hand still hovering her button. She is still looking at the same place. Violet pushed them forward, telling them where they should go. But Bast couldn't get them out of her head. She wanted to know who they are.

And why does the boy seem so familiar?


Bentley grabbed the rock above his head, pulling himself up. He felt as if ontop of the world. His family learn mind block just for him. He can finally be in peace and quiet with them. He no longer has to worry about passing out by their thoughts or catch them thinking about their significant others. He is finally free.

He didn't need to look down, he could still hear Russell's thoughts. They are panic over Benjamin and he heard Benjamin fussing from down below. He heard Python and Bartholomew talking, but he didn't want to hear that. He had enough thoughts about Bartholomew and Python to last him a lifetime.

Bentley found another rock and lifted himself up. He found himself near the top, and Bentley heart raced against his chest. He feels like Maine, Maine's memory played in his brain. Maine climbed a mountain too, he used no equipment and climbed up. Maine just used his hands, and eyesight. Doing this Bentley feels connected with him.

Bentley stopped as he looked at the rock. He didn't know if he should go anymore. Bentley shook his head, this is only chance to connect with Maine. Maine could be on the very top waiting for the blonde. Bentley isn't going to miss the chance of seeing Maine. He pushed himself higher and harder until he felt the grass. Bentley quickly grabbed that and pulled himself up.

He laid on the grass, his legs dangling over. Bentley closed his eyes and felt his chest moving up and down. Bentley slowly moved his hands over his ears. He wanted to feel everything that Maine felt as he laid on the top. He wanted to know how Maine handled it. Bentley didn't care if he couldn't get out of the memory but he wanted to see Maine again. So he search through the memories, trying to find the one where Maine climbed the mountain.

Maine used his hands to push him up, he knew that someone is calling his name but he could care less. The wind blew back his brown hair, his hands sting from the rocks slicing his hands. Maine used his stubby legs to push himself up as he felt the grass. Maine pulled himself up, and smiled at the sight of the grass.

Maine ran his hands through the grass. It was soft and still damp from the rain. Maine giggled to himself and flopped on the grass. He made a grass angels as he cheered. Maine couldn't hear anything but he felt the wind blow across his skin, he saw the birds flying over him but most of all. He feels his heart beating against his chest as he smiled brightly.

So this is what it's like to be alive? Maine thought.

Bentley pulled himself out, touching his face. He knows that he's crying, he felt it. Bentley pulled his hand back, and laid it out of him. He moved his arms up and down for the grass angel, and looked up at the sky. One bird flew across, the wind moved across his skin and the sun beat down on him.

"Maine," Bentley whispered. "This is what's it like to be alive." 


Bj watched his cousin doing a grass angel. He turn to the side, wondering why Bentley is out of it but didn't say anything. Instead he flopped back, trying to catch his breath from climbing. Bj turn to his side and saw Bartholomew and Python reaching the top. Bartholomew groaned as he laid across Python, and Python just patted Bartholomew's back.

"Did you have a nice climb?" Bj asked.

"I can't feel my legs." Bartholomew grumbled.

"That means you work out."

"I don't want to work out! I want to be fat and eat all day, is that to much to ask for?"

Bj snorted, "Totally."

Bartholomew flicked Bj off. Bj laughed as he gave Python a thumbs up. He rolled on his back and stared at the clouds. The clouds made different shapes, but Bj couldn't help but feel the flowers around him. Bj looked over and see a beautiful white flower.

"It's a jasmine," Python said. "It repsents modesty, love and sensually. Best flowers for romance."

"How do you know that?" Bj asked.

"My people gives it to our lovers as a promise of being together forever." Python said.

"But you gave me a snake bracelet." Bartholomew said.

Python face turn bright red as Bj snickered. Knowing that the snake bracelet means something else. He turn back to the flower, and wonder if Sam like flowers. He took a quick glance at the couple then back to the flower. In one swift movement he grabbed the flower. 

He plans to give it to Sam.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!!!!!

What we thinks????? Bast??? Bentley???? Bj???? The two strangers???? Well tells me your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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