Chapter 33

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Felix's POV

I woke up feeling much lighter than previously. I sat up, using my arms as support. I took another look around the familiar-unfamiliar room (I know confusing right?)

I stood up and went my way towards the door. I opened the door to be faced with a long empty hallway with doors distancing from one another. I faced the door in front of me that was black.

There were about fifteen doors in total– eight on the side of the room I was in  and seven on the rows of doors across mine with a hall way at the far right end– and each door had different decorations. Some painted with light colors and some even decorated. A few had a sign of do not enter. But the thing that all the doors had in common was the name plates on top of each frame of each door.

I read some of them as I was able to recognize what was written. The door that I was facing had a name plate that read "Seo Changbin" on it.

'Changbin lives here too?'

I read another name plate and the door just beside mine, located at my right, had a name of "Han Jisung" and it so happens that his door was one of the few that had a sign of "Do not enter" on it (I honestly expected for Chanbin's door to be the one to have it.)

There was also the name of Minho that was on the other side of Jisung's door. Takihiko's door at the end of the hallway. I took a look at the name plate written on the room I got out of and saw Jiyeon's name. Her door also had a sign of "Do not enter" on it and what shocked me the most was that the door on her left had "Bang Chan" name plate on top of it. I furrowed my eyebrows at the thought of having Jiyeon and Chan close with each other.

I walked out further, closing the door behind me in the process. I trudged towards the staircase by the end of the hallway seeing lights opened. I checked the digital clock that was by the wall of the hallway. It said 7:36 P.M. It was probably dark outside that's why they opened the light.

I carefully went down the stair case trying not to make a noise until a voice spoke behind me.

"Oh you're awake?" I turned to see Jisung with his head tilted slightly to the right as he looked at me with amusement; he is seriously starting to creep me out sometimes.

"Yeah. Where did you come from?" I asked with a slight rasp in my voice; my throat did felt slightly dry.

"Well, I was instructed to keep an eye on you just in case you woke up so I stayed inside my room. I guess I fell asleep in the process." He scratched the back of his neck looking up.

"We better get going down stairs. By the looks of it you could use a gallon of water. I think Jiyeon and Chan are already done cooking." Jisung led the way down that he didn't see the obvious frown I showed.

I followed him. There weren't much steps so we were able to reach down immediately. I was impressed at what I saw!

The house was well decorated and huge to say! A chandelier decorating the living room ceiling just enough to light up the whole room. A fancy white to long sofa surrounding a rectangular table facing a huge flat screen TV plastered on the wall; the floor was tiled perfectly; just beside the stair I got down from was another flights of stairs, each step smooth and shiny planks; walls were decorated with paintings and well arranged; wooden furniture decorated some parts of the well spacious room.

I stood there in awe– amazed at what I was seeing right now.

"Hey you coming?" Jisung looked at me. I just gave him a nod.

We walked in what it seemed like to me is a dining area. It had a long, rectangular table consisting  of nine chairs on each side. A door at the far end of the dining (presumably leading to the kitchen.). There went out were Chan and Jiyeon carrying different types of dishes on both hands. They were talking about something while laughing that was sending a burning sensation in my heart.

"Oh hey, Felix. You're up. Come eat it with us. Chan helped me prepare our dinner." Jiyeon smiled at my direction.

Before she could talk further more, I took the food on her hand and placed it on the table before pulling her away.

I tried to maneuver across the huge house and was successfully able to find the door out.

"Felix! What's wrong with you!" She glared at my face.

"You know what's wrong with?! You know what?! The thing that I am SO stupid of not realizing my feelings for you in such a long time and now here I am regretting it all because I see you with Chan! I'm jealous and I'm stupid! That's what's wrong!" I fell down on my knees seeming weak. All the yelling I did took a huge energy from my body and the fact that my body was shaking from anger. Anger for my self.

"W-what? What do you mean Felix?" She asked confused.

"I like- no. I LOVE you Jiyeon. And I was so stupid to just realize it now. All the love and affection we both shared, I thought they were nothing but friendly affections, comforting touches and words that only a good friend would give and all those "I love you"s that I thought meant nothing but Friendly gestures." I stopped for a while, holding Jiyeon's hand.

"But I couldn't help the fact that your touch leaves a tingling sensation in my skin. Your voice repeats itself in my mind for the whole day. The "I Love You"s you said made my heart happy all day. And I'm so angry. Angry that I didn't realise how much I needed you in my life. How much my heart yearned to hear your voice and feel you touches." I led her hands to my face, trapping it like a frame.

"I missed everything about you. Because I love you too. More than just a friend." Jiyeon's face that was once plastered with an angry one was now replaced with tears. I removed my hands from her ,but she didn't remover hers from my face, as I wiped the tears making it's way down her cheeks.

"I-" Before she could say anything we heard a gunshot not far from our area along with a pain on my left leg. I let out a yelp out of pain and lack of energy, collapsing on the cold ground.

"FELIX!" Jiyeon yelled my name. By this time the others were already out along with some I couldn't recognize.

Men in all black attire with a mask covering their face launched for attack towards us using the gun which was returned by Jiyeon's group with the same weapon. They all moved forward leaving me on the patch of grass on the grass however, Jiyeon wasn't as far.

I felt myself getting dizzy and sleepy as I fell limp when one of the men in black carried me over their shoulder. Due to my fatigue I could only whisper out Jiyeon's name as they didn't realize I was being taken away. That was the last thing I saw before my world turned dark again.

Secrets (Stray Kids Felix FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ