Chapter 12

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Felix's POV

I was fidgeting the whole time glancing at the clock once in a while because of two things. 1) I want to say sorry to Jiyeon and 2) Because I want to ask her what was the invitation all about.

The professor let us have our lunch earlier than before because she said that she has some business then left, when and I thought that I was able to talk to Jiyeon when Ms. Park went back and called for Jiyeon.

I looked at the girl I wanted to talk to but she didn't look at me instead she just went to my direction and handed a paper before proceeding to go outside.

I unfolded the paper and saw an address and a note written.

"Go to this place with Hyemin at 8:00 a.m at Saturday and this time don't be late. I'll be waiting." - Jiyeon

Her words sound so persistent even if it's just written that means I don't have any choice but to follow if I want her to forgive me. But I just realized something.

"with Hyemin"

'What the flower?!' I stood in my spot frozen and not knowing what to do. I was driven out of my thoughts when I felt someone poke my cheeks.

I turned my head to the person and saw the other person mentioned in Jiyeon's letter.

"Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost passed by." I shook my head and smiled slightly that she returned.

Like yesterday, I ate with Hyemin and her friends. I know this is my time to ask her if she wants to come with me to the place Jiyeon said but I also thought that this is not the right place to ask her because her friends are here and I don't want them to think something about me or maybe they'll get interested and decides to join too and I know my best friend will not like it if there are others who are not invited that will come.

"Hey Felix? Are you okay? Your not touching your food and just kept staring at it. Is there something bothering you? You've been spacing out since a while ago." Hyemin's remark made me snap out of it. I nodded as response and gave her reassuring smile to tell her that I'm okay.

"If you say so." She says a bit hesitantly. I ate my food to assure her that I'm fine and our lunch went with them talking and me thinking continuously on how am I gonna ask Hyemin.

The school ended with me still thinking and it's driving me crazy.

Like yesterday, I saw Hyemin waiting by the gate and smiling sweetly, but this time she was alone.

I didn't want to appear rude to her by mirroring her actions and smiled sweetly and wave my hand in a calm pace.

She seemed a bit surprised by my action but I could see that she was happy with it.

She clung unto my arm. I observed that this was her actions towards me everytime I see her but I don't complain. In fact I like it. Because I like her.

Slience filled us as we walked around the city. We were nkw at the park and I thought that this was my chance to ask her about the invitation.

I let her sat by the bench first and sat after beside her not getting too close as she might get uncomfortable.

Still silenced was still surrounding us and I can sense that it was awkward. Well, at least for me.

I sighed a bit and cleared my throat, not too loud to startle her, breaking the silence between us.

"Uhm, I don't know where to start and I know that we just met not too many days ago and I hope you don't find it weird but-" I was blabbering nonesense, which wasn't helping, when Hyemin placed her hands above mine, that was resting on my lap, laughing a bit.

"Hey calm down. Its just me. You know I want you to talk but I didn't think you would say a lot of things in just a minutes." I blushed at her statement feeling embarrassed with the things she said.

"Relax okay." I nodded and calmed my slef down and.tried to speak as calm as I could.

"Okay, so, there is this place that my bestfriend wants me to go to on Saturday and it's a self defense class into some building, I don't even know, and she was hoping if you could come with me, I mean if you would like that is." I bit my lips looking down with relieved that I got that out of my chest.

I heard a low chuckle coming from the person beside me and it made me worried that she might deny my offer.

"Is that why you've been dazed all day?" She asked and I nodded admitting on what was bothering me. Partially that is.

"Of course! I would love to jpin with you. Besides, my dad thinks that I should know how to defend myself just incase simething bad happens." She smiled and so did I.

'Don't worry. I'll be right here to protect you from harm.' those were the words I would like to say to her at this moment but held back my toungue, thinking that this isn't the right time tosay cheesy lines.

We stayed there on the bech a bit longer as silenced engulfed us again, but this time is a comforting silence. We were too busy watching the people passing by that we didn't notice that we were getting closer bit by bit until I felt our bodies were close with each other.

I stiffened as I felt her head falling on my shoulder but relaxed later on. The moment was just so perfect.

The wind was softly blowin past against us bringing small breeze to keep us cool, the sun setting slowly beneath the horizon, and me and Hyemin closeto each other with her head on my shoulder.

I couldn't wish for anything more.

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