Episode 2

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Episode 2: Kitty Galore

Written by: missgatomon & InuSoulSonicEater

* Scene starts in Kagomamon's room*

Kagomamon is laying in her bed, curled up like a cat peacefully in slumber. She woke to the sound of cars beeping. "Ahh! What just happened!" Kagomamon yelled sitting up looking looking out her window " oh they're just cars. No need for me to freak out over silly little cars. And I'm talking to myself not weird at all. What time is it?* She looks at her digivice* OH MY GOSH I'M ALMOST LATE FOR SCHOOL!". Kagomamon yelled throwing her blanket off of her and rushing around

her house to get ready for school. When she leaves her house she sees an old man in a Hawaiian shirt trying to cross the street but had fell right in front of a speeding car. Kagomamon rushed to the rescue, she grabs the man but misses his cane "Are you ok sir?" Kagomamon asked helping the man sit up "Thank you young lady." the man said nodding at her with a smile on his face "I'm really sorry about your cane, you know what I think I have my old walking stick from when I hiked Infinity Mountain. Here you go sir have a nice day, and please stay out of the street. Bye!" Kagomamon said sprinting down the street to her school.

Meanwhile with Inuyasha and Inuyashamon... "I really tried to kill Chloé, Well then again she is a little bit of royal pain in the butt." Inuyashamon asked as the two walked to the school from Agreste Mansion. "Yeah but what really surprised me is that you actually played fetch and enjoyed it. It was kinda funny to watch." Inuyasha snickering a bit. Inuyashamon let out a sigh and said, "I'm not going to live that down huh?" "Nope, I'm sorry but, it was kinda cute how you acted like a dog (giggle) well see you in class." Kagomamon said passing by the two boys to catch up with Kagome and Marinette who were waiting for her in doorway of the school. "Well we can't be late either. Let's hurry before we get in trouble with Mr. Agreste. Run!* upbeat dubstep music plays*" Inuyasha said as both of them dashed madly to class.

After three classes that took a long periodical time, the bell rang waking up everyone except for Max. " Thank you teacher that was very educational. I know I learned something!" Max said with the biggest smile ever. "Dang nerd." Inuyashamon thought. "You thought that right." Kagomamon thought as they both sighed as the class was dismissed for the lunch hour.

"I guess I have to try and make more friends. I just hope what happened yesterday doesn't affect anything." Inuyashamon thought as he walked with Adrien and Inuyasha. "Hey Adrien can I ask you something.?" Inuyashamon said as they continued to walk down the hall. "Sure, what is it?" Adrien said. " I know we live with you so please don't be bias, but if you didn't know me and found out about my 'Inhuman' abilities would you still be my friend?" Inuyashamon asked scratching the back of his neck. "Is this about what happened yesterday?" Adrien asked. "Adrien, just answer the question!" Inuyasha said feeling the despair coming off his childhood friend. "To tell you the truth, finding out about your 'Inhuman' abilities would make me want to get to know you more. If you are still worried about our classmates fearing you, then try to get to know them. I'll get Nino, Alya, Kagome, and Marinette. you can asked them yourself if they are afraid of you, but I can already tell you that they aren't." Adrien said as he ran over to where Marinette, Alya, Kagomamon, and Kagome were hanging out as Nino joined them. "Inuyasha, I really hope he's right. I would hate to almost be killed by the government again." Inuyashamon said fearful of the people coming his way. "Don't worry, Kagomamon seems to like you. Why wouldn't the others." Inuyasha said loud enough for Inuyashamon to hear. "Adrien tells us that you want to ask us something, Inuyashamon." Alya said. "I...Um want to know if you all are afraid that me. It's ok if you are, but I would hope you aren't..." Inuyashamon rambled. "Why would we be afraid of you dude?" Nino said wrapping an arm around Inuyashamon's neck. "You guys aren't?" Inuyashamon asked in surprise. "Not at all, you are such a nice person." Marinette said. "And it's cool that you have dog ears." Kagome continued. "I personally want to know more about you and maybe get some of my questions answered." Alya said getting out her notepad with her questions for him. "So you all wouldn't mind being friends with me?" Inuyashamon said full of hope. "Beats being friends with Chloé, plus you are way more cool than she'd ever be dude." Nino said laughing." You're right about that." Inuyasha says laughing with Nino. * Inuyashamon's stomach growls* "Uhhh... I'm starting to get hungry and break will be over in thirty minutes, so I suggest that we meet up after school and hang out." Inuyashamon said taking his leave. "I can't exactly leave him by himself." Inuyasha said following Inuyashamon. "Guys do you even know where anything is here or have money!?"Adrien yells after them. "See you all later." he said as he raced after the two white-haired individuals. "Hey newbie, I want to talk to you." Chloé said walking up to Kagomamon until she was right in her face. "What do you want...Chloé?" she asked trying not to seem irritated with the blond.

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