
"Okay, so the most they will ask is what happened." Our lawyer said. It was 10 in the morning and we were at the courthouse. To tell you the truth Liam has been acting so weird since yesterday. Hopefully this means he is going to go back to being himself. I miss him. Kairi misses him. I need him to be there for our girls because I don't think I can raise twins and Kai by myself I just need him to be the best he can be. 

"First up is Kairi. I will ask the questions we went over then they will. He wont be up there for long and if I see that he is in the slightest overwhelmed, I will pull him off that stand." 

I still don't want him up there but Ellie needs to be put away for good and no good behavior shit this time.

"It's time."

Walking in the court room, holding Kairi's hand tightly, I'm overwhelmed. I can only imagine what Kairi or Liam is feeling. "Li?" I asked reaching for his hand.

"Daddy?" Kairi asked doing the same thing. Liam lifted his head from where he was looking at the ground. He reached for our hands as we reached the bench in the front to sit down.

"It's okay, baby." Liam was talking to Kairi. "You are just going to go up to that stand right there and Mr. Granger is okay to ask you a few questions. Then, that man right there is going to ask you questions too. Then you can come sit back down with Daddy and Papa. You'll do just fine." He kissed his head as Kairi climbed into his lap, hugging him tightly before just resting his head on his chest. Liam started to rock him.

He's becoming him again. The father he was before all this started happening. I smiled at them. "You okay Li?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry for not really being here-- or being here but not being here." He's nervous. I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled. The girls are kicking like crazy. I grabbed his hand. Guiding it to the area where one of the girls is doing cart wheels.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Singer!" The bailiff said snapping us out of our moment. Rude.

We stood up and waited. "You may be seated." The baliff continued as he handed the judge a file. The jury were sat in their seats. Ellie sat on the defendant side while we were on the prosecutor side.

"The trial of Ellie Smith versus the state and common wealth of Pennsylvania may begin." Said the judge with a bang of her gavel. "We'll start with opening arguments. Prosecution may begin."

Our lawyer stood up and walked over to the jury facing us. He started on this sort of tangent on how Ellie disregard not only her life, but mine and Kairi's life. Not to mention every kid that was at the school when she showed up. He then went in to say how she's not only a danger to everyone around her but herself too. He added that she shouldn't have been let out in the first place, before walking back to sit down.

The defense stood up, and went on to say that she wasnt acting rationally that a mix of her not being on her meds and sleep deprivation made her act the way she did. He basically claimed insanity before sitting down.

"Counselor, first witness." Singer looked to Granger. He visibly looked at me and I grabbed Kairi from Liam so he can walk up when he's called.

"Prosecution calles Kairi Payne to the stand."

"Objection. Your honor the witness is a four year old, who changed his story multiple times when detectives asked what happened." Defense can kiss my ass, my baby knows what happened.

"Eveytime asked after the fact he stuck to one story. He's a four year old who was traumatized not once but twice by the defendant." Um, duh.

"I'll allow the witness. Granger go ahead." The judge said and I stood walking Kairi over to the gate before sending him to Granger where he helped him up. He was sworn in and sat in the chair.

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