1 | everything to worry about

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Saito Emi


She survives her mother's cursing this morning and consequently, she misses breakfast. Emi knows she's easily affected by food. She doesn't like food or rather, she doesn't like eating unless it's something that she doesn't get to have often. But she can faint, get the worst migraines or maybe even just the regular dose of dizziness if she skips a meal.

In any case, she keeps on going and promises herself to eat at school. She rides her bike and manages to chain it to an empty place after constantly looking for any security guard to question. It's a hero that she runs into (not literally thank God) and they point towards a farther but a safe place where she can leave her bike.

Now, she's just standing in front of the school as if waiting for one of the teachers to drag her inside.

The huge blue gate looms over her and the high walls cast a shadow on her whole being. Little pigeons linger on the walls but don't disturb the peace. A squirrel passes by and a cat follows in its footsteps. Small pieces of plastic wrappings roll by and lay on the ground. She picks them up and throws them in the garbage can nearby just to waste time and forget about her dancing nerves.

A girl walks into the school so easily, unaware of the inner turmoil that Emi's currently housing. Two more boys pass by her and look at her strangely, probably wondering why she's just standing there. She glances at them and away, forcing down the embarrassed blush. She grips her arms until her arms hurt and her nails almost make a mark on the uniform.

Speaking of the uniform, why are the skirts so short? They only reach mid-thigh and she's not exactly slim. She tried wearing leggings last night just to see how it goes but it only made it look worse. Otherwise, the uniform is pretty comfortable. Maybe she should ask for pants. Wait, no, that'll make her stand out even more and that's not what she wants. Actually, that's the exact opposite of what she wants.

She sees students already in there, meeting up and hugging each other which means they are already acquainted. Of course they are, there's a whole entrance exam she didn't go through.

She takes a deep breath and releases it.

She won't die when she walks in there. She doesn't look stupid. She doesn't let people look down on her. She doesn't look weird in a skirt. Her legs look okay and it's okay for them to be thick. It's not like she doesn't work out. Her hair doesn't look like a nest. She already rubbed off her lip balm, so her lips don't shine. There isn't anything on her face. The intruder alarm won't go off when she takes the first step in there. So just what is there to panic about?

But as soon as she walks in and accidentally brushes shoulders with a boy, she thinks, EVERYTHING.


Todoroki Shoto


He was going to keep on going since it's just a brush of a shoulder. Nothing he deems apology-worthy. But then he hears a quiet sound and he stops to look at the girl.

He's almost sure that it isn't from pain because he barely even felt her. But he waits to see if that squeal is supposed to make him stop.

Long curls of blonde hair were all over the place and her nose suddenly reddens. He understands why when he looks into wide green eyes only to see them brimming with tears. Then she's looking down at the ground in fury and he knows it's not at him. Because no way a girl is this strange. He wishes to be anywhere but here, in this time and in this situation where there's a girl about to cry and he doesn't even know why.

"I'm sorry about that," she says in a shaky and husky voice then bows her head but moves on quickly before she even sees him bowing his head back.

As cruel as it is, he's glad she went away because he's sure that he will be absolutely helpless if she stayed. He just hopes this day doesn't get any weirder.

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