A Friend and an Enemy

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"Stop looking up hiking sites and help me out here," Dan said to Morgan. She shook herself out of her thoughts and closed the window on her Chromebook.

"Sorry, but I' going on a trip next week and there are some really nice trails I want to check out," she said, her hands playing with the charm she always wore around her neck. Her dirty blonde hair was cut to her jaw and made her slightly brow skin look a bit darker than it really was. She was a Junior, the ripe age of 17, and she was the best tennis player at Del Oro.

"We can plan later, we need to get this project done," Dan replied. Morgan chuckled softly as her sea green eyes wandered to the window.

"Who said you were coming?" she teased and moved her hands from her charm to the birthmark on her neck that made it look like it had been sliced open.

"You did," he answered and kicked one of her many pairs of tennis shoes, "Now focus."

Morgan sighed dramatically and said, "Maybe I should give you a charm to ward off bad spirits. You seem to be caught by one that promotes productivity."

Dan snorted, "Save that spiritual mumbo jumbo for after class. You can show me our lucky charms at lunch."

She hummed softly," I hope they have chicken or some sort of burger."

Dan chuckled, "You'd think that someone who is so in tune with the earth would be a vegetarian."

Morgan shrugged as her fingers went back to her charm,"I love meat too much to do that."

"I see your head's still up in the clouds Morgan," Jess said as she came walking up to the two of them, a sour expression on her face.

Morgan smiled at her, "Hey, we were just messing around. We're almost done with the project anyway."

Jess scowled at her, "I suggest you finish it. Being able to play tennis and hike up a mountain isn't going to help you when you graduate." Morgan's smile faltered slightly, but she swept the insult aside with a wave of her hands.

"You know, some fresh air could make you feel better. You want to join us on a trip next week? We'll go hiking and sleep under the stars and-" Morgan began, but she was cut off by a laugh.

"You are a laugh," Jess said,"but I have important things to do. you enjoy your little hippy trip." She turned to Dan and smiled sweetly, "Perhaps you'd rather come hang out with me?"

Dan seemed to force a smile, "No thanks Jess, I'll hand with Morgan." Jess shrugged and walked off. He looked at Morgan with a frown, "you going to just let her walk all over you?"

She waved it off, "It's fine. She has a strong opinion, that's all. She'll come around eventually." She turned her attention back to their project, "Anyway, let's finish this up."

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