The name is Jane

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In the morning when the sun rises. It can be the most beautiful thing, or it can be the worst. But I think it has more good things than bad.

Like for one, its so beautiful when its day, either sunset or sunrise its like you're in a whole new world filled with sunshine and life. You can just feel the warmth of the sun.

When its sunrise, the sun shines through the endless forest of tall seaweed that almost reaches the waves and the sky. The sun will then shine through the seaweed like if it was shining through your bedroom curtains on a warm summer morning.

The coral reef is beautiful. I come diving under the waves thirty minutes before sunrise. And when the sun is coming up you can see the small coral reef light up like if you where to turn on your bedroom light in the dark of night. When it lights up all of the small fish pop out of there little small claustrophobic homes like you forgot to put the lid on when you're making popcorn.

The coral reef are both the colors of the rainbow but mostly they are different shades of orange, pink, green, blue, and red. The coral is all the different shapes you can think of. From a flat salmon mushroom shape to a funky tornado shape. But lets all not forget that there are thousands of sizes that can be as big as a submarine, and as small as a mouse.

The coral reef is small and has an ocean floor full of sea shells and sea urchins. The coral is everywhere, and it is surrounded by the tall seaweed. Underneath the seaweed is kelp or ragged sand and rock.

The water is really warm in The Mer. Grotto. It is not hot, nor is it cold. I'd say its cozy but in mid day up till the morning its pleasantly chilly.

In the morning I like to swim to the bottom and sit on a "mushroom" coral that is my favorite color, peachy orange. This color is everywhere but this one is special because, it has the perfect seating plus it has the perfect spot, it's on a slope overlooking the reef, its big, and it faces toward where the sun will rise.

But this day something feels different, the water is sharp and sour. And the sound is low and deep, the sound is loud, so loud the Grotto shakes. But the odd part is that it happens for a minute and happens when the sun has fully set.

The cool air whispers into my ears. Saying that I need to turn back, back to my old town. I moved here three years ago, I already got used to everything here and I already have a hobby. I think I've told you but I will explain it again. Every morning I like to dive down into The Mermaid Grotto, and sit on my favorite coral spot and watch the sun rise.

I always tell my friend what happens, but she never listens to me, she never does. But I always like letting it all out so I can feel better. dont you know what I mean? My friend, Abby doesn't care about the sun, she cares about my troubles so she listens to me (trying not to make it look like she is listening, but I can easily tell) So when I say my worry that I have, she talks.

" Yesterday morning I heard this sound and the Grotto started to shake. I had no idea what was going on, do you know what happened?" I asked her.

" Umm," she thought, recapping what I said, " No, I don't. Sorry."

I sighed with disappointment and looked at the ground.

" Ok, I guess you wouldn't know. Why bother." I muttered under my breath.

I walked home, still the thoughts swimmed in my mind. What happened there? So with that being said, I am going to check out what happened even if I am insane and out of my mind.

I arrived at my house moments later. Our house was small but it was very cute. In a little small way it was a very lively place to live. A small cube the color of a orange, and the roof the color of a blank piece of paper. We have a garden out front with only herbs. And the grass, well where do I start? the grass is green, so green it's as green as a granny smith apple. The yard is always perfect, my mom is a neat freak and she will always make the house look perfect. She has no hobby she just cleans, she says its the most fun thing that ever happened on the face of Earth.

I opened our leafy green rectangle door. I found mom inside polishing the furniture, she looks up at me.

"Did you have a good time at Abbys?" She asks.

"Yes I did." I replied, hanging up my book bag that I always carry around with me.

Before she could say anymore I darted for my room, heading up the smooth oak wood stairs.

I turned on my new laptop that I got for my birthday. And I went on Google search to find my answer. I didn't know how I could ask the question. But for now, I guess it will go like this.

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