Savior-san to the rescue!

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Just another one-shot of mine (i may write more of this au if u guys want me to)

Enjoy ;)



Today was a normal day.

And like every day, Kyoutani woke up grumpy, ate his breakfast and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek while heading towards school. When he arrived at aoba johsai, most student’s heads turned towards him to stare.

It was not in a good way.

Kyoutani was known to have a bad reputation. There wasn’t really an explanation why he had one. Part of the reason was probably his appearance, people are quick to judge nowadays. Especially with his hair being blond and 2 black stripes covering it. He had the fiercest glare permanently on his face and always answered in a gruff voice.

Rumours say that Kyoutani gets into a lot of fights, while no one has ever been a witness. They also say that he hangs out with gangsters and that the reason he talks so little is because he doesn’t understand Japanese very well.

People were scared to look him in the eye.
And while Kyoutani didn’t really mind it, he still felt a little bit lonely time from time. Especially when he walked past the convenience store and saw friends buying things together while joking around.

But with the way people were acting around him here at school he decided that he doesn’t need any friends.

Kyoutani did try out for the volleyball team when he was still in freshman year. But it didn’t last long before he ‘took a break’ from the club. He really couldn’t get along with the third-years back then, and there was also that little shit named Oikawa. He annoyed the hell out of Kyoutani.

Now that he was in his second year Kyoutani was thinking about coming back to the club. He couldn’t even act normal with his class, let alone with the whole volleyball team. He would have to practice with them every day for hours!
And that people, was not something he was looking forward to.

Someone bumped into Kyoutani when he was walking to his first class, mathematics. The person fell down pretty hard and Kyoutani took out his hand to help him up. The person looked up at him and his eyes widened noticeably.

“ S-sorry K-kyoutani-san “ he said while scrambling up quickly and running away.

Kyoutani was pretty frustrated. How did that person even know his name? And why is everyone so goddamn scared of him? The people around him began to stare at him but when Kyoutani glared back at them they quickly scrambled away from him.

Volleyball practice was starting. And kyoutani was hiding in the corner of the gym. Watching how everyone was practicing. Oikawa was setting the ball while Iwaizumi-san and the other spikers took turns to spike the ball.

Kyoutani’s hands itched. He also wanted to play, but he didn’t dare to interrupt the others. He also saw a few people doing nothing at all.

What a waste, he thought bitterly. If I were them I wouldn’t be able to stop even if I tried.

 Suddenly kyoutani noticed someone, only the back of his head. But he couldn’t stop staring.
It looked kind of nice. Light brown (silver-ish) hair, and it looks soft to the touch.

He blushed.

Kyoutani knew that he was attracted to guys, he discovered that one day when he saw a magazine at the grocery store. It was one with a shirtless guy covering the front. He kept secretly glancing at it, the guys’ abs bringing him to another dimension.

Haikyuu One Shots ( Mostly Kyouhaba)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang