saviour san to the rescue part 2

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Yahaba fucked up.

He knew that Kyoutani had a different attitude when they were together in private versus when they had volleyball practice or matches together. In public, he was more aggressive, blunt and distant towards Yahaba.

Yahaba wasn’t the only one. He was like that with everyone else in the team, especially with Oikawa san.

In private however, Kyoutani was such a cutie. Ever since the day that Yahaba got rescued he started talking to Kyoutani , he even called him bumblebee. Kyoutani would blush from it, which was a precious thing for him.

Kyoutani was really different when the others were around. So Yahaba also started acting different, the two were always glaring at each other. They barely looked at each other and only interacted whenever Oikawa ordered them to work together.

So everyone assumed these two didn’t like each other, while in reality it was the complete opposite.

This is exactly where he fucked up with Kyoutani,  Aoba johsai vs Karasuno.

Kyoutani was acting out, he had just been subbed in and started acting out of control. Stealing balls set towards other teammates. Yahaba couldn’t bear to see this anymore.

He slammed Kyoutani against the wall.


Yahaba groaned at the thought.

How did he fuck it up so badly, Kyoutani didn’t even look at him after the match was over and went home immediately. Yahaba internally slaps himself, you stupid hoe, you were doing so well trying to make him your boyfriend.

While he was still sulking in bed, Watari was next to him working on their project.

“Are you still sulking about slamming your crush against the wall, it’ll be alright dude. Worst thing that can happen is him hating you which I doubt.”

“He’s not my crush and you’re making it worse aahhh, he definitely hates me now.”

“Stop being a coward and just talk to him tomorrow at school, or even better, text him now!”

“But it’s been 5 days since I last saw him and he hasn’t shown up for practice, he’s avoiding me.”

“Man up, I already sent Kyoutani a text to meet up with you on your phone. You gotta be at the dog park in 15 minutes.”

“YOU WHAT?!” Yahaba jumped up with a shocked expression which quickly turned into a glare.

“Whyyyy are you doing this to me,” he groaned.
Im so fucking fucked.

“You’ll be our future captain and Kyoutani will be our ace, even if your crush doesn’t work out at least you guys will be friends. We need a good duo next year and he seems like a great friend to have.” Watari said convincingly.

Well he does have a point, but I want to be more than friends ahhhhh. Stupid heart.

“Fine I’ll give it a try, do I look fine going out like this?”

Watari raised his eyebrows knowingly. “You look perfectly fine to me, I don’t think he cares about what you wear, unless you want him to.”

Yahaba flushed bright red.

“N-no no I uh just wanted to look presentable, now I’m off bye bye.” He ran out of the door towards his next obstacle.


Kyoutani stared at the text on his screen.

Yahaba wants to see me and discuss something important. He suddenly started blushing. No no NO, kyoutani was not about to start expecting something from this. Even though Yahaba seems interested in him, Kyoutani would never get why. So he pushed the thoughts away of yahaba possibly liking him.

I mean, there’s no way he likes him like that. Yahaba with his shiny eyes and one of the cutest smiles he has ever seen. And that day when he slammed kyoutani against the wall. He looked so fierce and , handsome. Stupid Yahaba , that stupid smile of his, that stupid hug of his, the stupid thing where his pinky brushes against his when they’re sitting next to each other.

Kyoutani started blushing more and changed it to a glare. He was walking towards the destination yahaba asked him to come. His mom looked at him knowingly when she asked him where he was going. She has met Yahaba already once before. She also knew that Kyoutani was definitely NOT crushing on him.

Yahaba had asked Kyoutani to help him with English for his test. Kyoutani said sure until he realised they were going to do it at his place. He tried to protest but Yahaba was having none of it.

“Bumblebee chan, please let me visit your house this time. I know we normally study at mine but my parents are having a work related dinner and meeting at my place. We can’t be there today, mom asked me to go to your place this time. And the test is very important please please pleaseeee lets goooooooo to your place. I also want to meet your mom you already met mine it’s not fair !!!”

“Alright fine! God damnit Yahaba , do you always talk this much. I’m getting a headache.”

“Only for you,” he winked.

When they had arrived at his house his mom and Yahaba got along so well. She even started calling him son while giving Kyoutani subtle winks and smirks.

Kyoutani blushed.

Damn it, why does he keep blushing. He wants to slap himself but the boy walking towards him was already looking weirdly at him.

Slightly embarrassed kyoutani walked even faster towards the park.

Having arrived there he sat on one of the benches and waited for Yahaba to show up. What could he possibly want to talk about , he really had no clue. He waited quietly and watched the dogs play with their owners. He was so deeply thinking about something that he didn’t notice a pretty nervous Yahaba that sat down next to him.

“Earth to bumblebee chan, sir, are you still there? Can you hear me, I repeat, can you hear me,” yahaba waved a hand before his face.

“Huh? What?” Kyoutani suddenly jumped.
“What the hell yahaba, why are you fucking creeping up on me, you asshole.”

Yahaba started laughing. “You should’ve seen your face, fucking hilarious.”

It’s like all his nerves disappeared. Kyoutani is so cute, it’s impossible not to like him. Yahaba started feeling courageous. I like him, and we’re friends, I’m sure he won’t hate me if I confess. I can do it.

“Fuck you asshole, what did you text me for, I have no idea why you want to see me.” Kyoutani grumbled.

“ I love you Kentarou.”

Kyoutani froze.

What just happened. Did I hear this correctly, am I hallucinating. Is this for real? Did he just fucking say that he loves me. Oh my god. Oh MY GOD. Calm down now, he’s waiting for you to respond. Tell him how you feel, you can do it me.

He kept telling himself all that.

Yahaba was worried.

He fucked up didn’t he. Of course there’s no way he feels the same way that I do. Kyoutani is just incredibly kind, saving me like that from that dude the first time we met. Smiling a little bit whenever they walked their dogs to the park. The little excitement in his eyes when we played volleyball together. Oh god yahaba had really fucked up. Kyoutani was just standing there.

“I’m so sorry Kyoutani, I shouldn’t have blurted it out like that. I made you very uncomf- hmpppf

Kyoutani kissed Yahaba.

Just like that, full on the lips. Now it was yahaba’s turn to freeze up. Kyoutani shyly moved his lips, waiting for Yahaba to respond. And he finally did.

It felt incredible, the way their lips moved together. The small gasps of air in between. The way Yahaba pulled him closer, his hands all around his waist. How it made Kyoutani gasp and put his arms around Yahaba’s neck to pull him closer.

They totally forgot they were in a public park until something nudged at Kyoutani’s leg. It was a small dog looking up at him in excitement. Tongue hanging out while shoving the ball with his leg as if to say, “play ball with me” 

Kyoutani smiled down at the dog, a big smile, which made Yahaba blush.

“You’re so cute bumblebee, wanna go on a date with me?”

“Depends on what we’re gonna do, “ kyoutani grumbled embarrassed.

“A double date, you and me, and our 2 doggo’s hehe, we can just have a picnic here at the park, what do you say?” Yahaba was a bit nervous.

In response Kyoutani held yahaba’s hand.

“Let’s do this.”


“And that’s how I made Yahaba and Kyoutani end up together, I’m the best wingman out there aren’t I,” Watari tells the new freshmen proudly “If you ever need help with your crush you know where to find me, in return the only thing I ask for is dinner.”

“Watari !!! stop corrupting these young kids. They have to focus on school and volleyball not love.” Yahaba says.

“oh? Just like how I found you and ken going at it in the locker roo- “


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