But, then again, just about every American high schooler is tired and stressed. Eloise isn't sure what the cure is, or if there actually is a cure at all, but she does know what can help ease it.

"I think you're due for a nap."

Peter's head snaps up and his nose scrunches as he looks at Eloise like she grew two heads. "What? I can't just take a nap, I have too many things to do."

"Oh, come on," Eloise coaxes. "Spider-Man can take a day off." When Peter hesitates and scratches the side of his face, Eloise rolls her eyes. Of course he doesn't want to want to take a break from being Spider-Man for a few hours. Eloise can practically see the "What-if" scenarios running through his mind if he wasn't out surveying Queens. Before he can protest, however, she gets in a few more words. "How about a movie?" Eloise suggests. "Just a movie, and then you can go obsess over the Russo situation and save lives."

Peter sighs and runs this idea over in his mind for a few seconds. Finally, he gives in. "Fine." Eloise's face breaks out into a grin and Peter holds up his hands. "But just one movie."

She jumps out of her bed and starts spitting out movie titles as she rifles through the DVDs in a stack up against the wall by the TV. Some of her favorites jump out at her as she names them off, but Peter doesn't pick any. Just as Eloise is nearing the end of the stack and is wondering if Peter has awful movie taste and if she should definitely un-friend him because of it, Peter's eyes light up and he agrees on one: Lilo and Stitch. Eloise pulls the movie out and blows the dust off the case. The last time she watched this movie had to have been at least four years ago, if not later. She doesn't even remember what it's about.

Eloise pops the movie in before jumping back onto the bed next to Peter. His eyes are already locked onto the screen on top of her dresser before she can even grab the remote to turn it on.

Once the main menu pops up and she presses play and the movie begins, Eloise feels the mattress dip and move. She glances to her right. Peter's repositioning so he's lying down on his stomach, his head being held up by the palms of his hands. Her eyes trail over every small indent and bump on his face being outlined by the ceiling light. Although he has some acne and not totally clear skin, it just makes him seem more human in a way. Obviously Eloise knows that he's human, but when he's wearing a mask, she thinks he—and the rest of the citizens of Queens—forget that sometimes. His human qualities, even if they're considered imperfections by society, are a nice reminder that he's just a somewhat-normal teenager like herself. Some of his brown locks flop forward and graze his forehead. Eloise wonders if he's letting it grow out, or if he's going to get a haircut. Either would look good on him.

Peter's so entranced by the movie that he doesn't even notice her staring. He doesn't look her way until Eloise ruins the serene atmosphere of the room by sneezing.

Peter looks at Eloise and shoves her playfully. She had to shoot her arms out to catch herself on the bed before she can fall off.

"Shh," Peter says, eyes locked on the screen. "I'm trying to watch a movie."

Eloise sends him a mock glare pushes his elbows out from under him, making his chin fall to the bed. His face twist in fake anger.

"Hey!" Peter exclaims, then rolls onto his back and sits up. He grabs a pillow from the top of the bed and flings it at Eloise. She dodges it, the pillow narrowly missing her head, but then loses her balance and falls to the floor. A shriek escapes her lips and she lands with a thump onto her butt painfully.

Walking the Wire | PETER PARKER [1]Where stories live. Discover now