A secret

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*Still Leah's P.O.V.*

When my dad opened the door I saw a puppy in my room. "A puppy!!" I said and ran towards it. "what are you gonna name it?" Niall asked. Well since the puppy was a girl I decided on naming her Princess. I know it's weird but I like it. "I'm gonna name her Princess." I said. "ok then." Harry said. "well. we'll let you get settled and we're gonna go make dinner. you're probably starving." daddy said. truthfully I was starving. I was really hungry. but I always skipped meals cus everyone said I was fat and didn't need to eat. So I only ate once every 3 days. they all left so I decided to look around my room. my walls were painted baby blue, pink and purple. my bed was an actual bed. it had a "Keep Calm And Sleep" bed set. It also had a little dog bed for Princess, a plasma flat screen tv, a pink fluffy rug, 2 night stands beside my bed, 2 beanbag chairs, an Xbox and a Wii and some games. I was looking through the video games and saw my fav game, Sims 3 Generations for Xbox. I loved that game. I walked over to my nightstand and on it was an iPhone 5, a laptop and an iPad. there was a Baby blue lamp on the other nightstand. I walked to my bathroom. It had a really pretty sink a bathtub and a shower and a toilet obviously. the shower had a cheetah print shower curtain. yes I loved cheetah print. I look in the bathroom drawers. it had a lot of make up. I didn't wear make up that often but I will now! I walked out of my bathroom and walked towards my closet. I opened it I was shocked. it was a walk in closet! there was a lot of clothes to choose from. after I was done exploring my room I unpacked the stuff from my bag and put it away. I put my razors in a secret hiding place hoping no one would find them. after I did that I decided to go and take a shower. I washed my self with cupcake scented body wash and I washed my hair with strawberry scented shampoo/conditioner. after I was done I wrapped myself in the towel and walked over to my closet. I put on my undergarments. Then I decided on some Victoria Secret sweatpants and a "YOLO" tank top. I put my hair in a messy bun and I put my Uggs on and went down stairs to see Niall eating a bag of crisps, Harry and Louis rolling on the floor fighting over the remote and Princess sleeping on the floor in from of Niall's feet. I went into the kitchen and saw Zayn, my dad and some girl he was with. "so when can I meet her?" the girl asked. "hold on. let me go get her." dad said. he got up and turned around and saw me. "Oh Leah. you startled me." he said. I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm a ninja." I said and did a ninja pose. everyone laughed. "Hi. I'm Danielle. but you can call me Dani." the girl said. I was a little shy. yea I'm shy too. I started to back away when dad noticed. "it's ok Leah. she's not gonna hurt you. she's your mummy." my dad explained. dani put her hand out and I and shook it. "so you're my mummy?" I asked. she nodded her head yes. I smiled. "Leah." I turned my attention back to my dad. "she was the one who bought a your clothes and make up." dad explained. "really?" I said. she nods. I ran to her and gave her a hug. "I'm gonna go watch tv." I said. ok love." dad said. I walked back into the living room and Harry and Louis were still fighting over the remote. I walked over to them and picked up the remote and changed it to Victorious. "hey!" Harry and Louis said. I just gave them a smirk. then they pouted. well Louis tried to pout but his face looked like he had to poop. I was cracking up so hard I fell off the couch. then Niall noticed Louis trying to make a pouty face and he was laughing with a his crisps in his hand. "what are you guys laughing at?" Zayn said coming into the room. by the time he came into the room me and Niall were both on the floor laughing. I was laughing so hard I was crying and it looked like Niall was about to piss himself. a few minutes later I calmed down and it was time for dinner. I wasn't really hungry though. my dad put a plate on spaghetti in front of me. "i'm not really hungry." I said. but I don't think they bought it. "I know you're hungry Leah." Harry said. Since I'm not gonna win this I took a few bites. by the time I had my 4th bite I decided it was time to stop eating. "I'm full." I said and left before they could say anything. I went up to my room and went on my iPhone and made a twitter. after a fee minutes of deciding what username I should use I finally went with @Real_Leah_Payne. (A/N I made this up not sure if it's a real user name.) it was 10:00 pm so I went to bed.

*Zayn's P.O.V.*

I could tell Leah was lying. I wonder why she would lie. "Do you guys think she was lying?" Harry asked. "Yes." Liam said. "But why tho?" Louis said. "not sure. but we have to find out." Liam said. "let's go ask her!" Niall said. "No. not yet." I said. "Why not?" Harry asked. "cus. only one person should ask her." Liam said. "well..who's gonna talk to her?" I said. then we all chose Liam since he's her father. I checked the time. it was 10:30pm. "Lets talk to her about it tomorrow. she's probably sleeping." Liam said while he was checking the time too. "Well I'm gonna go get ready for bed." Harry said. "Yea me too." Liam said. everyone said their goodnights and went to bed. I was the last one to go upstairs. when I got to my too I decided to take a quick shower and go to bed. About 10 minutes later I got out of the shower and felt refreshed. I slipped on my black and white boxers and my red board shorts. then I had to fix my hair. About 25 minutes later my hair was perfect and went to bed.

*Liam's P.OV.*

It's after midnight and I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened at dinner. I know I've only had Leah for 1 day but I already love her with all my heart and I'll do anything to help her. She's my daughter now so I gotta look out for her. it was already 12:30am and I still could not sleep. so I went down to the kitchen and got a can of Mountain Dew then I went back up to my room. I turned on my Xbox and tv and played FIFA. 2 hours passed and it was 2:30am. I got up and turned off my tv and game system and went to bed.

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