Chapter One

Mulai dari awal

The one with the cap looked up at her, his brown eyes seemed to instantly pierce through her soul and her heart fluttered for a moment. She felt her hand shake, and forced herself to look away. She shook off the feeling he gave her, trying to keep the smile on her face.

“What can I get for you?” Her voice didn’t sound as cheerful.

“I’ll take the double bacon with everything on it and some fries.”

She avoided looking into his eyes again, “Do you want lettuce, tomato, and all?”

“The whole nine yards.”

“Got it,” she looked back into his eyes, and her heart skip again.

“How ‘bout you sit down and tell me the specials?” Tom asked from her other side.

Both of them looked at him, but brown eyes spoke, “You already know what you want; it’d be mean to make her say it all and not even order it.”

“Man, you need to loosen up,” Tom shook his head.

She felt the eyes back on her again, and she looked over, accidentally meeting them once more. The man was extremely handsome, but the feeling she got threw her for a loop. Then he spoke again, “He’ll take the same thing.”

“No lettuce or tomatoes though,” Tom smiled.

She broke the eye contact, writing on her pad, “It’ll be right out.” Kyra turned, hurrying away from them. She went around the counter, hanging up the order and spinning it to the back for the cooks.

She turned around, looking back at the table at the back of the cap. The men were talking about something, and there was still a huge smile on Tom’s face. He looked up at her and winked. She forced herself to look away again.

The diner was pretty much empty now, though a half hour ago it had been full. She couldn’t wait for her time to be up and her brother to come and get her. Even though she knew, she would probably be setting in here waiting for at least another hour. Kyra didn’t mind, it was better than walking, daylight or not.

She heard the bell ding, turning to see the men’s order was ready. She looked back at them, noticing their drinks were almost gone too. She quickly fixed them each another glass, placing the glasses on the tray with the plates.

She had done this so many times; it was easy to balance the large tray on one hand. She went back to the table, “Fresh drinks.” She handed them the glasses. “Then we have veggies,” she sat the plate in front of the cap, “and no veggies.” That plate went in front of Tom. “If ya’ll need anything else just holler.” She picked up the empty glasses.

The brown eyes found her again, “Thank you, ma’am.”

She smiled, ignoring her heart, “It’s just Kyra.”

“Thank you, Kyra.”

“You’re welcome,” She forced herself to walk away.

“Time’s almost up,” Micky commented when she came back up with the tray. Kyra looked up at the clock. She only had a couple more minutes. The hour had flown by while her mind was spinning from brown eyes. She took off her work jacket, which was actually a shirt.

“It’s all yours, Micky. I need a breather anyway.” She went towards the door.

“Are you alright, Kyra?” Micky’s voice was full of concern.

“Fine, just need some fresh air.” She went out, seating herself on the bench in front of the windows. She closed her eyes, but all she saw was those brown ones looking back at her. She opened them, looking at the cars in the lot. Her eyes fell onto a red GTO parked on the other side of the lot. She knew it had to be a 1972 by the headlights. She had always loved those cars.

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