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A: Go to class. Total: 9

B: Skip class and wander about. Total: 3

Option A Wins.


(Name) sighed and stretched his arms before walking in the direction of his class. 'Might as well go to class, even if I hate it' he grumbled to himself before stopping in front of his next class. The door was different to over classroom doors, probably from the amount of pink and purple on it, making it stand out. With a huff, he opened the door only to get a bucket of water on him. The whole room burst out laughing making him sigh as he rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning Mr (L/Name)! You're late" his professor shouted making him sigh. "Sorry, Professor Peach" he grumbled, walking to his seat wet and grumpy. Professor Peach was a tall female, coming in around six feet tall, and had long flowing, you guessed it, peach hair. Her eyes were peach also and what she wore resembled a witch. Purple-blue witch hat and a purple-blue tail coat with vials of dust on her.

"Now, as I was saying, the combination of dust has been an art we have tried to master since the olden times. However, most of our tries at this have either ended with an explosion or someone dead" she said, drawing some pictures on the board as she rambled on. "Hey, sweetcheeks, you okay?" a 'friend' of his, Coco, said, leaning over at him from across from one of her teammates, Velvet. "Fine" he grumbled, looking at the teacher's large ass.

"Perverted as always I see" Coco hummed as Velvet blushed slightly and pushed her away. "Don't encourage him!" "What, jealous he doesn't look at you like that?" Velvets face turned darker than her last name as she punched the girl in the face making her fall back. "Is there something wrong Miss Scarletina?" Velvet shook her head as Peach started to talk on again.

A while later and the bell went as students stampeded out of the classroom. (Name) sneezed into his hand making him growl as he rubbed his nose ready to leave only to stop when a towel was placed on his head. "Sorry about the water (L/Name)" Peach laughed making him growl and he rubbed his head before throwing the towel at her. "Yeah. Sorry" he grumbled as she clutched the towel in her hands watching his retreating form. She stared at him before looking at the towel as a smirk formed on her face. Guess smelling peoples scents on a towel is a thing now.

(Name) sighed as he felt a weight on his back. "(Name)!" a cheerful voice rang out making him sigh, grabbing some of the person clothes and bringing them in front of his face. "Ruby, don't jump on me" placing the girl on the floor, she laughed sheepishly, apologising. He smirked before pulling her hood over her head and rubbing it, "Now, what you want red?". She blushed red and smiled, removing her hood as she started to play with her fingers. "Well, you see, my teammates wanted to meet you because of how much I mentioned you in our conversations...so, can you come and meet them now?".



Follow little red riding hood and meet her friends.


Say no and go on with what you were about to do



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