Dreams, Memories and a Little Accident

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I felt really guilty so now I'm updating with the barest of stuff that isn't game related. The worst part is it's the summer time which means I have to be on the electronics less than usual, because it's the time I get to be with my dad when he's not at work, and there's also a lot of chores. I got an "update please" comment though and that pushed me over the level of guilt I'm willing to feel at one time. So here I am, probably writing a rather shitty update with generalizations and hopefully some comedy. Here we go.


Morning 4

"Happy birthday to you," I heard singing. I was at my birthday party from a few years back. My friends had thrown it for me because I had been working a lot. "Happy birthday to you." There was a cake in front of me, rectangular and with the words "Happy Birthday Y/N!" written in frosting. It had number candles rather than stick candles, due to the fact that by now putting stick candles would leave more holes than cake. "Happy birthday dear Y/N." I prepared to blow out my two candles. There probably weren't a lot of presents, but I was happy with the fact that they went and threw me a party. As they sang the last line I blew out my candles, and the place disappeared.

"Y/N?" I turned around, and Jack was there in full color. We were in his house, right outside my room. He looked horrified. "What happened to you?" I looked down at myself. I was pale, almost as pale as Jack was that first day. I tried to explain, but words wouldn't leave my mouth. "Y/N? Hello?" As I stood there my body faded away slowly, and as Jack looked on in horror I smiled sadly at him, feeling my body disappear completely.

Jack's POV

I was wandering my house, trying to find Y/N so I could tell her something. I don't know what I wanted to tell her. I just knew it was important to me. As I went to check her room one last time I saw a ghostly figure outside her door. "Y/N?" The figure turned around, and I was horrified. Y/N was standing there, white as a sheet, almost like I was on the first day. "What happened to you?" She looked at herself, then looked back up at me as if trying to say something, but no sound came from her mouth. No shout of astonishment, no words of explanation, not a whisper. She slowly started to fade as I stood there. "Y/N? Hello?" I couldn't do anything as she slowly disappeared. The saddest of smiles could be seen on her face at the last moment, so sad and sweet that it hurt inside. As she faded away completely, an intense pain hit my head, and a voice came, seemingly from inside my head. ThIs iS ThE PrIcE Of sAvInG YoU. aRe yOu wIlLiNg tO PaY It? I screamed in agony, and everything disappeared.

Two people awoke gasping for breath, separated by a wall.


I left my room to walk around. I thought maybe talking to Maragret would help me calm down. I found the spot where Maragret's door was the other day and walked in. The first thing I saw was-

"Ahh!" Maragret ushered me out the door, closing it behind her. "Don't you ever just walk in there again! You're lucky only Jack's shirt was off. You could've gotten a full view of something you were not meaning to see." Maragret had remove Jack's shirt for some reason, and with Jack's body being closest to the door, I got a full view of his chest. I blushed as I remembered what happened, then thanked Maragret for stopping me where I was. I then headed back to my room, where my phone had tons of picture of cute things like kittens and puppies to bleach my eyes. I avoided all pictures of Jack I had on my phone for a good hour and didn't head out to eat breakfast till it was about 11 am.

Author human here. Hello again. How was that? It was horrible I know. Sorry. I just felt really guilty. Why guilt does this to me I don't know, but it does. Anyways, here's your update! I hope you like it! I'll get more out as soon as I can...hopefully that's soon...have fun reading other things while I'm away! Did any of you check out zom's stuff? If you haven't go back to the last chapter where I tagged her! She's really good! Better than I could ever be! So go look at her stuff! Bye!

-a human

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