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Dedicated to vanillala0143

Mayura entered the Ikaruga estate. She sighed. She wondered about that cool-hot-stern-kind guy.
'Why is he even doing this?'

Mayura was sleeping in her room as it was early morning and she has a day off from training. Suddenly, the buzzing of the phone was evident into he room. Mayura picked up the phone to see who it was.
She wondered what's wrong that sayo-chan is calling so early in the morning.
"Hello sayo-"
"Sister-in-lawwwwwwwwwww," she yelled and continued," there's a big problem, you need to come here urgently."
Mayura decided not to pay attention to the title sayo gave her,"what's wrong sayo?"
"Nii nii sama...he..."
"Shimon? Is he alright?"
"No he's not" she said in a faint yet panicking voice,"nii nii sama is training, even when he has high fever"
"Wait.. What? Did you guz try to stop him?"
"We did, but nii nii sama doesn't seem to listen. Please mayu  come here as soon as possible." She said almost sobbing.
"Yeah. I'm coming. Don't worry"


Mayura entered the estate and was led to the hallway where Shimon was standing facing a mini garden. Sayo had informed her that they were successful in making him stop with the training and made him take the medicines but they weren't able to force him to take rest.

She stopped. She wondered what she would tell him. But she had to do something, right? She couldn't let sayo down. She clenched her fists. 'I'm anxious, but I surely have no doubts' she thought and took small steps towards him.

"Mayura" Shimon whispered, but enough for her to hear. She stopped immediately when she heard her name. 'So he sensed my presence.' She was about to respond when he spoke again.
"I wish you would be here." So he hadn't sensed her being right behind him.

'I'm right here.'she thought. He took off his glasses, covered by water droplets. 'He looks more cute with them on' she blushed. 'He really has high fever' she thought as she could feel heat emitted by his body even though she wasn't standing that close to him. He then continued,accompanied with a sigh,"I wish you would've known"
She was confused by whatever he was saying.
The wind blew bringing water droplets from the rain and and colliding them gently with their face. Shimon still din't seem to take notice of her. She wasn't among the people who liked to overhear, but she still stood there, just for a while long, because she knew that's Shimon would never actually tell her what he is speaking about if she asks him.

Shimon stepped outside. 'Was he crazy? Stepping out in rain even when he had fever?' She had enough of it. Why was Shimon acting such? Moreover she couldn't let his condition get worsen, since he already has high fever.

She din't think anymore,but stepped out herself in the rain too. She again heard Shimon saying,"Be here Mayura."
Her face turned red again. He spoke again,"I wish I could just say it to you, I love you."

Her mind blacked out. Just what did he say? It took a while for that to register in her head. The words rang inside of her, as she felt numb. He loved her? Ikaruga Shimon loved her?
All this while?

She din't know how to respond. A spark of fire lit up inside of her and she knew what this was. And to convey it to him she knew just what she had to to exactly. She took steps towards him but this time she was really fast. She grabbed him by his arm which caused him to turn and in an millisecond she did did it.........she kissed him.

She could feel the warmth engulfing the both of them. She had entwined one of her hands with his, the other one holding tight to his scarf. She wondered that did it always feel this warm even in this cold rain. Didn't matter.

To describe the kiss,it was just a short,simple and beautiful one. Even if it sent electric sparks down her spine. She broke apart, blushing madly at her own actions. She saw Shimon embarrassed as well. He was more of staring at her. She had an idea of Shimon couldn't see clearly without his glasses on.

She stepped behind embarrassed at her own actions. He held up his hand to pit his glasses on, only to be stopped by her.
She said in a shaky voice because of the just happened actions,"Shimon, please don't take it so hard on you. And as for me I'm always there....by your side.....for you."

She then immediately turned back and exited the Ikaruga clan leaving sayo and keiji curious about what happened, not like they weren't seeing them from afar, but still.

And as for Shimon he recognized the voice in a second, as he couldn't see her face clearly. He too was more stunned by what Mayura did. He had put on his glasses to see her running towards the exit. Now he sure had to confront her later. But this time he would be sure of her returning his feelings.
Thinking about all what happened,
He was happy.
He smiled.

Hey guys!😢😢😢
My sincere apologies!! Since this chp din't turn out to be how I expected it to!! I'm sorry for it. I'll try writing better next time.

I would like to tell you that this chp is one of the requests.

*feeling low after writing this*

Bye everyone.

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