Chapter 10

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Herminie's POV
" Where are we? " Joy said. Looking around.
" We're here " Hawk said as he got a torch from his dragon.
" Hawk! Herminie! " A mysterous voice said. I turned my head and saw Fala.
" Fala! " I shouted. She ran towards us.
" The snow queen is going to get us! " Fala said.
" What? " Rose said.
" No time run! " Fala said. We ran out of the cave and we went on our dragons.
Headmistress Cinderella's POV
" Granny! " I heard Rose said. She was on her dragon flying down.
" Granny! We found Fala! " Rose said. SnowWhite heard and came. She hugged Fala.
" Oh Fala my grand daughter " SnowWhite said.
" Granny " Fala said.
" Let's celebrate! " Joy said.
" Yes for once I agree " SnowWhite said.
Fala's POV
Fresh air. Finally after being trapped in the snow queen's cage. I'm so happy to be free after so long.
" Attention students " HC said.
" Meet our new student, Fala SnowWhite " Granny said. Everyone looled at me and I bowed.
" Now let's get this party started! " I said. I saw Astoria dancing with Shawn and Travis dancing with LingLing. Hawk was standing next to Herminie and Rose. I went and grabbed Rose's and Hawk's hand and I put them together.
" Come on dance " I said. They started dancing late into the night to celebrate me returning to regal academy.
Snow queen's POV
" How did Fala get out! " I said.
" We have to have her! " Kira said.
" I'm going to regal academy " I said.
" Mom! You need Hawk and Herminie too, right? " Kira said.
" Yes " I said.
" Let's get them all at once " Kira said. Muhaha Kira got a good idea.

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