Go Away Strange!

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You sighed as you laid in your bed at Kamar Taj. It was such a crazy day and you were too tired to return back to your home. Along with the threat of Kaecilius, it was better for you to stay at Kamar Taj.

Stephen saw right through you. He knew you were hiding something from him. It pained you to acknowledge this, but you have killed before. Obviously never in a hospital, but you have killed. It was during a battle, and it was quite frankly a life or death situation. If you hadn't done the killing, you would've been killed.

You frowned as the memory brought itself back up. It wasn't your greatest moment. You turned around and stuffed your face in your pillow. Right as you and Stephen were really starting to like each other, things spiraled downward. Judging by his reaction to having killed, he'd be livid to hear that you've also killed. Tears started to roll down your cheeks and you let them form puddles in your pillow.

Your mind then conjured up a list of every way that Stephen Strange was better than you. Master of the New York Sanctum. Got his M.D. and Ph. D. at the same time. Astral projection. Eye of Agamotto. Cloak of Levitation. His skill with magic that is so advanced. What took you years he did in months. Acclaimed neurosurgeon.

The tears started to fall faster and you cried into your pillow, "it's not fair. It's not fair!" your tears turned into ugly sobs and you turned to face the stone wall so that you could actually take breaths of air. "How is he just so much better than me?"

Behind you, you didn't hear the door creak open through your loud crying. "(f/n)?" you heard the low voice of Stephen, "are you...are you okay?" Oh great. Just the person you wanted to see.

"Go away Strange!" you shouted and threw a pillow at him. "I don't need you ruining any more of my life." You grabbed a different pillow and buried your face into it. You felt the bed beside you sink and knew he hadn't listened to you. "I said go away." You grumbled angrily through your pillow.

"What's wrong (f/n)?" he asked quietly, "I thought we were on first name basises now?"

"Go away before I make you leave." You threatened through your pillow, and squashed the loud crying to be dealt with after he left.

"What happened?" he asked soothingly.

"It's none of your business." You shot back defiantly, "I'm not some child you need to baby." You wiped your tears on your pillow.

"But we're friends." He pointed out.

"No. I'm your mentor and that's it." You argued and wiped some more tears.

"If we were just that, I think you'd insist on me calling you Master (l/n)." He countered. You bit your lip; you couldn't argue against that.

You took a deep shuddering breath to find your composure, "what do you want Stephen?" you sat up and turned to look at him.

"I just want to know what happened. You seem pretty upset."

"You don't need to worry yourself over it." You waved away his concern.

"I'm your friend, I can tell you need a shoulder to cry on right now."

You laughed through your tear-stained cheeks, "I didn't know you were capable of sympathy."

"Oh come on." Stephen groaned and shoved your shoulder good-naturedly, "I was trying to be nice."

"I appreciate it, but, I just need some time alone." You denied.

"Who can you talk to?" he asked suddenly.

"What?" you asked in confusion.

"You have to have a friend in this place." He argued, "who is it?"

You thought it over, "probably Daniel." The weight of what happened a few hours hit you over the head, "oh my gosh Daniel." You didn't even think twice about it, you leaned into Stephen and cried into his shirt, "he's dead Stephen. He's dead!"

"It's alright (f/n)." He soothed and rubbed your shoulder with his hand.

"He's gone! Killed by Kaecilius and his cronies!" you wailed.

"I know, I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about it."

"I was there Stephen!" you cried, "I could've done something!"

"You tried your hardest (f/n)," his low voice seemed to calm you down a bit, "you're amazingly strong. Even when your life was pouring out of your side, you fought. Daniel knew what he was going into."

You nodded in his shirt and your crying had calmed down, but each breath was still a shuddering breath filled with hiccups, "thank you Stephen."


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