A Black Pearl

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Oh, darling! I don't think you realize, 

That just your smile can light up the night, 

And cause even the coldest of hearts to melt, 

Since just to be able to receive one, is a great treasure. 

But your laughter is the greatest treasure of them all,

It's a rare black pearl,

That you can only find,

By venturing to the deepest parts of the ocean,

To find the most beautiful oyster that protects it,

To pry it open and pluck the pearl,

So that it can be added to your collection.

And each time you see it, 

Your heart stops beating, 

Because you are in awe that you are witnessing, 

Something so rare and natural,

And you keep searching the ocean, 

For more oysters with pearls, 

Because one is not enough,

And each time you see a black pearl, 

It's like seeing it for the very first time,

Since her laughter has become your favorite sound. 

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