Chapter five

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*Christina's P.O.V*

I am officially in love with Niall. I dont care that we met at the begining of the day, because it felt like we have known each other for forever.

He walked me up to his door and opened it. I could'nt believe my eyes! This place was massive!

My mouth was hanging open again and Niall just chuckled.

He gave me a quick little tour of the house and we sat on the couch watching the show "Community". I swear it is the funniest show I have ever watched. Niall and I were cuddling underneath a warm fuzzy blanket. He laughed at almost everything. Which I loved even more about him. I like how hes so care free and goes with the flow.

Next thing I knew I was starting to get tired and drifted off into a deep sleep in Nialls arms.


I woke up startled and confused, then I remembered what had happend last night. I smiled to myself and suddenly heared a loud snore. I looked beside me and there was Niall sleeping with a smile plastered on his face. He was so cute. I watched him sleep for the next fove minutes until my phone started to buzz loudly. I felt like it sounded like a fricken earth quake and hoped it didnt wake Niall up.

I quickly grabbed my phone and saw that Book had texted me.

Brook has been my friend for about a year now and I love her to pieces, shes so funny and can brighten anyones day.

"HEEEEY GURL! Girl day? I think so ;)"

I laughed to myself and immediatly texted her back.

"Heey, Im actually busy with my... um.. friend... you could possibly join us though? One sec"

Niall started making unhuman noises and I laughed a bit to loud. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Well good morning beautiful".

I melted with every word he said. I smiled, "Goodmorning handsome."

He smiled even wider and pulled me closer to him.

He started to close his eyes again until..


I laughed at Louis as he walked in.

"GO AWAY LOUIS!' , Niall growled.

"Aww wake up on the wrong side of the bed have we?", Louis gawked.

I laughed again and got out of the bed, Niall whined and eventually got out to. Louis reminded me so much of Brook. I wonder if he has a girlfriend...?

louis left skipping down the stairs with a retarded smile plasterd on his face.


"Yes love?".

I love it when he calls me that.

"What are we doing today?".

He looked at me and smiled.

"I made a... err .... its a suprise." He scratched the back of his head trying to hide whatever.

"Oh okay, well do you think my friend Brook would be able to come hangout with us until ... that whatever? " I questioned him smiling .

"Yup!" , he said popping the p.

I quickly ran back over to my phone and called Brook.

"HEEEEELLOOOO my lovley".

"Hey gurly, you wanna come hangout?"

"YUP! "

"Okay ill text you the address and come on over".


and with that she hung up.

I quickly texted the address and ran back over to Niall.

"She will be here in like 10 minutes". I smiled

"I cant wait to meet her." He smiled back

"Hey , does Louis have a girlfriend?".

Niall frowned.. oh no NOO i didnt mean it like that!

"Uhhh.." He scratched the back of his head again awkwardly.

"Noooo not like that , My friend.. I just thought they .. I dont know".

I blushed as the words slurred through my mouth. He chuckled and pulled me into a hug.

"Yes. Yes he is.".

I smiled and dug my head into his chest.

"Christina.. I know its kinda early... but..."


"Ummm" , he said nervously still holding me getting a little more tense.

"Just say it Niall!", I laughed.


ohhhhh whats he gonna say!? ;) Cliff hanger!! WOOT WOOT!

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