Sunday 27th May, 21:34

12 2 0

I'm starting to notice a pattern here. Sunday, late, is when this'll be receiving most updates is my guess, since I have time and shit. Only 4 minutes before the previous =))

The day before my birthday too. Happy birthday to me, yay. One year closer to death.

There is a reason I can't hold a fucking conversation with my brother. He has the biggest fucking god complex I've had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing, and expects the entire world to be handed to him on a silver platter. Then, he expects people to not be mad at him after he says this shit then storms off in a tantrum. I know I complain about my family a lot - but really 90% of the time it's him. I can't speak above three fucking decibels or else the WiFi gets shut off, and I have to follow his every need or else there's a high chance of him at least hitting me; he wasn't scared of doing that when I was three. Or four. Or five. Or, indeed, any age. Even when I was fucking born he shoved me off the goddamn hospital bed.

God I have such a loving brother. At least a blade can't scream at you or abuse you or do anything else. It's just there, with you, until the bitter end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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