Section Two: Replacement

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"How is spending our food money on merch going to benefit your life?" Lilli asked her twenty-four year old uncle.

"We may be starving, but at least I'll have earrings with Harry Styles' face on them. Maybe I could put them on Nero." He wondered that last bit aloud.

"You're not putting earrings on a cat, Tom." Lilli laughed. "Come on, let's go look in this shop." She took his hand and dragged him into a tiny one room store that reminded Tom of the Hot Topic store that he had took Lilli to in London once. Almost immediately she had found the jewelry section. "I think your aspirations are too high. We'll never find the earrings."

"Don't doubt me or I won't buy you lunch." The sun outside was still rising - it was almost ten o'clock in the morning, and the pair was feeling oddly productive for the day. Lilli began to walk around to the other side of the display, and Tom wormed his way around too, having to apologize for knocking over someone's bag. And when he finally turned the corner, Lilli wasn't there. "Lilli?" He asked, spinning in a circle.

The thirteen year old was nowhere to be found.


Tom sat on the curb, sweating in his jean jacket under the sweltering sunlight. He breathed in a paper bag, even though it wasn't helping him stay calm. The police had come and gone, wanting to wait a while until they knew for sure that Lilli was missing - the only reason being that she was a teenager and most likely wandered off to do drugs or go to the mall.

Tom knew that she didn't.

Lilli was abducted. Like Madeleine McCann.

After a while, Tom walked back to the resort, still ignoring his throat's dire need for lemonade. Of course, Lilli wasn't there, but it was while he stared at her things that he had a brilliant idea. Why not hack into her phone's GPS?

After googling how to do that, a map was displayed on his screen, showing one solitary red dot. He grabbed his jean jacket and flew out the door. This skinny legend was ready to run as fast as he could to save his niece. He was just grateful that he wasn't wearing crocs, because in this heat they would have become shrink wrap around his feet.

Tom had no idea what would happen once he stumbled upon that red dot, but he knew that he would most likely have to fight his way out, and so he mentally prepared himself for that as he ran. He also knew that he could not end up in the hospital, or his sister would find out, and Lilli would never be allowed to come stay with him again, so, in all actuality, he did not see a happy ending to any scenario.

He didn't want to see a Youtube video in eleven years entitled "What Happened to Lilli-Mae Lacy?". (Even if it would end up being him who made it.)

A/N: Also, while I was writing this, I was thinking about how sometimes celebrities go to proms and stuff, and honestly, if Tom did that, I would only let him go if he was wearing the jean jacket. 


What Happened In Praia de Luz? // tom harlock ✅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat