Chapter 1

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"Shane!" Ryland screamed as he hit his boyfriend on the shoulder, only half affectionately. After showing them her Instagram photos Morgan had went to edit her new video.

"Whattt!?" Shane mocked Rylands angry voice with a knowing smirk.

Ryland shot him a look that only added to Shane's amusement.

"What is wrong with you!" Ryland asked, glaring at Shane as he pretended to think for a moment.

"Well let me get my list.."

Ryland continued to stare, not looking even the slightest bit amused.

Shane sighed, meeting his boyfriends gaze. "Is this about the Andrew Morgan thing?"

"Yes!" Ryland hissed. "I told you about that in private, Shane."

Shane rolled his eyes with a groan. He put his arm around Rylands shoulder and pulled him closer. Ryland tried to resist, wanting to keep his mad facade but of course gave in, leaning into his embrace.

"I'm just trying to you know.. push thinks along." Shane said lightly and it was true. Ryland had told him about his suspicions that Morgan had been hopelessly falling in love with their cameraman. True, Ryalnd had of course regretted telling him instantly, knowing Shane could never leave well enough alone.

"Shane, come on." Ryland rolled his eyes and sat up. "Nothing is ever gonna happen there. Morgan is.."

"Beautiful, smart, funny, a great friend and sister."

"Date her why don't you." Ryland responded in slight jealousy, he would have made it more of an argument but Ryland knew how Shane thought of Morgan. Like the little sister he needed. Shane was borderline protective of Morgan and it had even showed in some of their vlogs where Shane had completely shut down Morgan talking crap about herself. It just made him love Shane more because sadly, even though she was his sister, Ryland didn't have a protective streak in him.

Shane rolled his eyes and shot Ryland a 'really?' look.

"All I'm saying is.. Morgan could use a guy who is one, completely straight and two, a genuinely nice guy who wouldn't hurt her."

"Is Andrew not painfully straight?"


Shane pulled Ryland into his lap at the dreamy look his boyfriend had when he said that word. Ryland giggled and kissed his troubled looking boyfriend once on the lips.

Shane continued. "Is he not the sweetest guy."

"Literally the nicest." Ryland responded honestly.

"See!" Shane said as if it was obvious. "And it's not like she would have to explain the whole 'crazy family' thing to him. Or the YouTube thing."

Ryland was quite.

"So like I said, just a little 'Shane Dawson ships it' push.."

"You know her fans are gonna go insane, right?" Ryland shot him a hesitant look.

Shane waved it off. "She will probably just edit it out anyway."

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