I noticed the dark-haired boy trying to strike up a conversation with Tanya, but I knew she wouldn't reply. She hasn't said one word since our parents died.

"Come on, let's go," I said and they followed close behind me as we walked back to my car.

I put on my seatbelt and took one more look inside the building, where I noticed the two boys staring at me.

I started up the engine and began driving away, knowing very well that their eyes were probably still following me to wherever I was going. To how far their eyes could see.

"So how was it?" Avery asked, referring to my meeting with Dr. Emerson.

"The usual".


Four o' clock in the morning is a pretty unusual time to think about exercising, but there I was, in the local park, jogging around in circles.

I had woken up from another nightmare and I honestly just needed some fresh air.

I stopped by a tall oak tree to catch my breath, when I saw a silhouette of someone not too far away from where I was. And being the curious person that I am, I followed the mysterious figure.

I was able to catch up with whoever it was a few minutes later, and I started to regret it right after I noticed his dirty blonde hair, which seemed to look blue underneath the light of the lamp posts that surrounded us.

He let out an irritated sigh and started jogging faster in an attempt to leave me behind, but I kept up with his pace.

"Gwen, go away," he groaned and the way he said my name sent chills down my spine. His voice was so cold and unwelcoming that I almost did as I was told.

"What are you doing here at 4 am?" I asked, completely ignoring what he had just said.

"Shouldn't I ask you the same thing?"

"Well, I asked first," I said and I couldn't help but notice an amused smile creeping onto his face.

"Ladies first," he replied and by this point I was already highly annoyed with him.

I rolled my eyes, but then I realized if I wanted him to answer my question I'd have to answer his.

"I had a pretty bad nightmare and decided to get some fresh air" I replied honestly, then looked at him, waiting for the answer that I wanted from him.

"How bad was it?" he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"It was terrible."

"How so?"

"You ask a lot of questions," I said, punching him hard on the shoulder, but he didn't even flinch.

"Well, you're really bad at answering them," he replied, quickening his pace and I did the same, not wanting to be left behind.

There was a silence right after and I noticed him stop by a lamp post to catch his breath for a moment, but I continued jogging. I've had enough of him for today.

I was already a good ten feet away from him, when I heard footsteps right behind me.

"Stop following me," I snapped.

"I'm not following you, I'm just jogging in your direction."

This is only the first time I've actually had a proper conversation with him, and he was already being such a smartass.

"You're annoying," I said as he was now walking at the same pace as I was.

"I'd say the same to you."

"I'm sorry, I don't know you," I said in an attempt to make him go away.

"I'm Connor," he replied, holding out his hand for me to shake it.

"Oh, so you're a gentleman now?"

Connor dropped his hand back to his side and  I could tell he was holding back a laugh, but he failed.

I was surprised by his sudden change in emotion. One minute he's scowling at me and the next he was laughing at my sarcasm.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ring and I picked it up, not really caring if Connor listened to my conversation or not.


"Gwen, where are you? We're hungry," I heard Avery say, and I could picture Tanya standing beside her, nodding and rubbing her stomach.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes." Then, I hung up.

"What time is it?" Connor suddenly asked from beside me.

I noticed the sun was beginning to rise and I assumed it was somewhere around six o' clock.

"I'm gonna go, I have to take my sisters out to breakfast," I said and he nodded, but still kept on following me.

"Stop following me," I said once more and he shook his head in amusement.

"Haven't we already been over this," he replied and I looked back to see him flashing the straightest row of teeth I'd ever seen in my life. He looked like a totally different person when he smiled.

"Besides, I have to buy breakfast for my brothers too," he added.

"Oh, so those two boys yesterday were your brothers," I said, thinking out loud, and he nodded.

"Where are your parents?" I asked and I noticed his jaw clench. His eyes suddenly turning dark as his eyebrows furrowed with irritation and a hint of anger.

"Get away from me," he said coldly and started walking in the opposite direction, getting further away from me with each step he took.

I just stood there watching him brush his blonde bangs out of his eyes in frustration. He continued to walk away, until he was just a little speck in the distance. Barely visible, but still there.

I couldn't process what had just happened and why he seemed so upset about the simple question I'd asked him.

It seemed to be an extremely sensitive topic for him, and, me being myself, I was determined to find out why.

Nightmares ➳ Connor McDonough/ Before You Exit Fanfic { edited }Where stories live. Discover now