Zombie from Holsworthy. Part 2

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Yes it's time for the second part unlike a film watched on commercial television no arty or naff adverts to brain wash you into buying something you really did not need in the first place.

After getting my breath back from my mini marathon a scruffy dog came bounding towards me with his tail wagging like overactive toy on speed .But as the dog approached i could see white foam coming from its mouth like toothpaste on acid and it teeth were oozing blood and no of the pig or ketchup variety seen in every slasher movie since first made ,Black Christmas 1974 comes to mind I sure some b movie can will let me know in comments bit...I reckon I get comments like sorry this story was a waste of time who told you could write or something more critical .
Back to the dog rapidly getting nearer to me I intend to run but have become frozen on the spot due to the dread in my  sub conscious mind....Why is not called that as only two things I know about subs are 1: Underwater Craft capable of driving to great deaths   2.The player who sits on a bench waiting for the manager to give them their day in the sun,or in plain English to prove can play for the first team
I suddenly feel a crunching sensation in my right leg in the corner of my eye i see the dog has latched it's canine teeth into my leg i let out a almighty string of swear words,a study i read says it helps dealing with the pain I think that's just to coin a American word (Horse Shit)
The pain awakens my brain to being active again,that poor hamster on his or her wheel must have stirred.I manage to shake the dog away.  .as a animal welfare rights person the next bit goes against my views..I just the dog a swift kick as I was losing blood and it could come down to a life and death situation we as humans survival instincts kick in.
I suddenly felt dizzy,imagine sitting on a merry go round going at a fast pace ,I collapse.I awaken to find i look like a done fifty rounds with a  heavy weight boxer and my brain muddled and a great hunger ,I arose myself up and my walk seemed i going at a tortoise pace ,my arms felt stiff ,I Then saw Madge looking at me scared out her wits,I lunge towards her ,my teeth sink into her skull you see I must have brains to keep me going for i am the Zombie of Holsworthy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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