Zombie from Holsworthy

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Like all the great classic Zombie films ,I prefer a good story and the old zombies that you can outrun not the new faster ones in current movies as I would get to be a zombie too quickly for this short story I am writing on my Amazon fire tablet at this moment in the spotlight of time.

It started with the incident of human poo being found at the local park with no explanation and and made the headlines under Human poo found Park and great mirth was made around the town about poo gate.That was untill  cats were disappearing and  strange moaning  and a shuffle walk were being heard,unlike the song thriller no zombie were breaking into a dance .

By now you the reader of this  story is wondering hope am well I what is called in story terms the protagonist  my name is Mark Antony my mum who  fanciest pants off Richard Burton who played  the character of the same name in the film Cleopatra.I Mark am the groundsman for the park which I have lovely natured for the last twenty years and it feels part of psychic but unlike groundsman Willie in Simpson's I am not Scottish or wear a kilt or live in a run down shack? As my work is the usual average mundane run of the mill 9 to 5 sounds like the Dolly Parton  song .I liked in my spare time Or  hobby to research the  bizarre events in this world we live on.So I decided for  once in my life to take that risk   as I always liked the exploration of different environment s But was always just a couch potato version of One . So off I went back After dark with my trusty torch a  duffle bag with my favourite sandwiches cheese and onion pickle send a banana and of course a drink,sorry no alcohol as I don't drink or smoke so as ada m  and and  would say must be something inside .After  a while I heard shuffle noises and a low moan I just thought pull yourself together man it's just got brain being over simultaneous due to watching to many late night b movie monster films  you know the ones I mean where the plastic  vampire bat flies in the air and you can see that outlines of the fishing line it's attached too.I suddenly was surprised by a elderly lady who called herself Madge and she told me she lost her pussy who was a ginger cat called Mavis as she was an ardent fan  of the soap coronation street  said then she  started to explain that hers  was not the only cat missing since the poo gate saga and she had gone too the local police station demanding a investigation into the matter but only got the polite standard reply ,although felt sorry for her plight but end of the day it was just a animal .This enraged me due to fact I am a animal welfare rights kind of guy so I said on the spot ok,Madge  I investigate these events for nowt and no money will exchange palms.

Back to the story a bit of a fast forward yes a lazy day of writing but hey I am the writer so two fingers to you.

And nobody messes with  my stories well unless like my American mate Ash gives  some plot ideas  I may be inspired  to write a better version of said story.So wavey lines and a some eighties electronic music we now fast forward in time ,if only I had a Tradis ,it now be ten days of late night investigation and so far only thing I caught is the common cold,I wonder if up the common cold could talk it would be like the bad cockney accent in Mary Poppins got (blimey gov strike a light perhaps not)very Dick van Dyke like.
Spell check.I must learn to use whilst writing story of it will seem like  nonsense to you.
It's now night eleven and it starts with the usual routine as routine is part of everyone's life so I have heard,on my last lap of the park like a mini marathon for overweight nearly sixty years old gentleman..term gentleman does seem to be odd perhaps it was due to once upon a time a man do a kind act and the person involved said you are a gentle sir and in time man but got added on oops forgot in this world of political correctness i have to write gentlewoman  as well and I would describe the colour of their skin but even if I use the term purple i could end up with hassle from the political correctness police.P.s dear reader of the story you notice grammar and spelling mistakes in this story that's due to fact I have small vessel disease of the brain which effects my cognitive skills and that's my excuse so please excuse me or if not just by pass the story and visit another writer's stories .

Sorry yet again I side track its a s bad habit of mine..

Zombie from HolsworthyWhere stories live. Discover now