furball pup

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cocoa and furball pup sat on a bench together. they were staring at the stars in the night sky. cocoa offered some cocoa to furball and he nodded. cocoa was going to give him some, until she spilt it on him.


"woops," said cocoa, "sorry"

cocoa then took furball pup to her house and started to bath him. he seemed to enjoy it. cococa was not sure if it was because he was drowning in bubbles or if the water was just the best. cocoa then took the bath pug out and blow-dried furball. when he was all dry, he puffed up. he looked extra poofy. cocoa giggled a bit as furball looked confused.

"ok lets get you back, pffft, home"

cocoa started walking to the forest with furball-the-extra-floofy-pup. it was nice and quiet on the walk. cocoa stopped.

"where does he live again?"


"I will just follow"

furball pup trailed infront as cocoa followed him. cocoa was lead to a door. she knocked on it. the door slid open as a cookie in grey stood there.

"im guessing furball pup is yours?"

furball pup beamed at the cookie as he stroked his floofy fur.

"yes," he said, "thank you for taking care of him"

"no problem werewolf cookie!" cried cocoa.

"um one thing," he said, "why is he um so fluffy?"

"I made him have a bath"


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