In Disguise

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That was what my mind told me to do and I listened.

The urge to experience the outside world was stronger then ever. I needed an escape from my solitude of fear and the moons light was pulling me out of my darkness, infusing me with the courage to escape and go outside. Everyday I had been practicing my powers and slowly I was beginning to control them, I knew they reacted because of my emotions so I tried to remain calm but I was only calm when staring at the moon, staring at the night sky that glistened down on the world below with the lights of the distant town twinkling in the moonlight and lighting up in beauty succumbing me into a state of calmness. The winter season surrounds the town with a blanket of snow, the elegant snowflakes elegantly falling down desperately making me eager to feel it on my tongue. I wanted a chance to experience the outside world from more then looking out a window. With my powers more in control my mind told me to go for it, I need to live my life the way I want and not just from within the captivity in my room, I need to go outside.

Pulling away from the window, which I stared outside longingly, I sit by the door hearing the faint snoring of my parents next door. Peeping from underneath my door no lights are evident the castle seems to be in complete silence and darkness, signalling that the castle, and its staff, have gone to sleep. Excitedly, I jump up from the floor prepared to make my leave. I grab a rope, made from blankets, from underneath my bed tying it on the latch of my window. Opening the window, the winter breeze brushes my hair back and fills my room with a cool breeze but yet I find myself not shivering but embracing the cold, a sense of temperature that is new but welcome to me. The window opens the door to the outside world but tugging the latch I make sure it is secure bringing more of the blanket inside to tie firmly onto the lamppost of my bed, to make it more stable to hold my weight. Tiptoeing, I make my way to my cuboard and grab my winter coat, throwing it over me as well as slipping on some boots and my gloves. Excitedly, I make my way to the window making sure to be quiet and turn round to look at my room before exiting my room. I turn my body round and absail down the window, relief rushing through me as I feel my feet hit the soft snow on the ground. Looking up, I see how far I absailed but not thinking about what I have done I rush off into the night sky, embracing the joy of the winter season.

Stumbling through the trees, I see a frozen lake before me which causes my eyes to light up in excitement. I find myself stumbling towards the lake, tripping over my feet as I run whilst I hold my dress up still trying to maintain my elegant posture. I look around to make sure that no one is around and use my powers to create some skates. Skating slowly onto the lake, I get used to skating on ice one again the movements being natural to be even though I have not skated in so long. My feet seem to have a mind of my own, my heart controlling my movements as I find my moves becoming more ambitious as I spin on the ice. Skating around I spin and begin to skate backwards, moving faster and faster until I hear a branch snap causing me to loose focus and trip, skating across the ice as I find myself now lying on the ice, ringing in my ears from the sudden impact.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you I was just watching you. I have to say you are like a magnificent beauty, like a swan with your elegant, graceful movements. I could of indulged in your beauty for hours." He says in a rush, clearly nervous but maintaining a polite tone, with a blush forming on his cheeks that matches my own. His charming nature intrigues me and a compliment is something foreign to my ears, so I just sit still on the floor in shock with no words forming as an awkward aura dawns upon us. He seems to be pulled out of his daydream when he realises that I am still on the floor, something I had not registered myself due to me being lost in my own thoughts, and offers his assistance.

"I am sorry ma'am for startling you but if you let me be of aid to you I give you my hand to help you up." He says formally, the face blurring as I begin to clearly see the outline of his features. He reaches out his hand towards mine and I place mine in his palm, letting him assist me in getting up off the floor, with his strong grip pulling me up with ease. My hand placed perfectly in his and I stand next to him, slowly taking in my surroundings. He stares off in the distance, looking away in embarrassment, our hands still entwined providing me with a warmth I desperately crave. Yet, I find myself pulling my hand away from his in order to make him not feel uncomfortable even though as soon as my hand departs his I instantly miss the warm touch. I mumble an appreciative thank you, admiring his appearance as he continues to glance away, admiring the distance, before turning his face to meet mine, our eyes locking as we hold each other gaze. 

He studies my appearance, seeming to take a second look before a lump forms in his throat and he lets out a faint gasp. My face puzzles, curious as to why he is staring at me in that way before panic swarms me as I realise that my hood has fallen off my head. My identity is no longer a secret, he will know who I am and he may reveal my identity and let the guard know of my absence from the castle. I close my eyes, silently praying that he won't know who I am but out of fear I believe that he already does I find myself pleading to him in desperation for him to not reveal my identity.

"Don't let them know that I left the castle, please." I beg, a panic look in my eyes. He looks into my eyes a look of shock flashing over his eyes before it is replaced with recognition.

" are the princess?" He asks, stuttering in disbelief, an element of fear in his tone as he realises how much trouble he may be in if he is spotted with me, a royal that has escaped from the castle.

"Wait, you didn't know?" I ask confused.

"No. I...I've never seen...I've never seen what you looked like before." He stutters, slowly beginning to manage to get his words out more as he fiddles with his fingers to show his nervousness.

"How stupid of me." I say pulling at my hair, as I begin to pace back and forth, muttering small curse words under my breath.

"I am so sorry your majesty." He says bowing causing me to stop in my tracks. I turn round to look at him, a faint blush forming on my cheeks as I realise how cute he is.

"No need to apologise. I wondered out here to try and experience freedom, try and feel like I wasn't alone." I say in a mumble, unsure as to why I am telling this to a complete stranger. His eyes look at me with a sense of pity, his muscles seeming to relax and become less tense, showing his comfort in my presence.

"But why do you feel alone? You have the whole castle full of staff to talk to and your sister." He says, actually managing to form a sentence without stuttering. I sigh wishing that was the truth but it's not but maybe, maybe I can show and tell him the truth after all.

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