Chapter 4

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His voice reached her ears.

And her eyes wide open.

The first thing she sees is a blue sky with puffy clouds.

Since when did her hotel room have a painting on the ceiling? Eyriel questions herself and still in a daze until a flock of birds flew by. That's when she starts panicking and sits up too quickly. Everything around her is covered with tall trees. How did she move from her room to here? She tried to remember but it gives her only a headache. She blew some of her blonde hair from her face and calls out her wolf. But the animal inside her didn't respond. Perplexed by a silent response, she tried to call again when her name echoes in the wind.


It's the same voice again.

She tucks some piece of hair behind her right ear and concentrates on the wind. Again, she heard someone calling her, and her insides warm by that very voice. Something tells her to find the owner of the voice. Lifting herself up from the ground, she dusts off her clothes before moving her feet in the direction of the voice.

"Eyriel! Where are you?"

The voice sounds distressed.

The seer knew she's getting closer and her heart beat faster inside her chest. She didn't know why she's getting nervous and she rubs her sweaty hands to her jeans, a nervous habit she had since a child. Not only she is getting closer to the owner of the voice but also the waterfall by the sound of roaring water hitting the rock surface. Her short-blonde hair sway with the wind when she came into the view of the waterfall. She is awed by the beauty of nature and couldn't look away. It's like out of a fairytale book where a rainbow graces its presence in the fall with greener forest. The leaves on the trees have different varieties of green and she is mesmerized.

Eyriel didn't hear the approaching footsteps behind her.

"There you are, love."

Shivers ran down her spine and she couldn't stop the wild rhythm of her heart. Two arms enclose around her waist and pull her to a warm body. Electricity course to their skin contacts and she whip her head to see the person behind her.

Deep blue sea.

That's what his eyes look like.

His eyebrows are thick above those blue eyes and her eyes traveled down to his straight nose with the high cheekbone. Sharp jaw like a diamond cut and his skin is the color of light brown, different than the pale color of her skin. His hair is white as snow which baffled her a bit but something caught her eyes. In such a close distance, she found a small mole above his lip and the sight of his mouth curving made her blush. Did he notice her checking him out?

She looks up and found her answer.

Her breath stuck in her throat.

The man is beautiful in a way words can't express.

Amusement flicker inside his eyes and there's warmth behind them, giving the color of sea softer. It was so hypnotizing. She never met a person who holds such interest in her as this captivating man. Without realizing it, she twists her small body in his arms and his eyes closed as her fingers stroke his cheek. He looks so familiar, she thought as she undoubtedly memorizes the outline of his handsome face. Some of his white hair falls down over his closed eyes and her hand comb his hair away gracefully from his forehead. She had to admit, the man has the softest hair she ever touches. Her feathery touch halt when his big hand grasps her small hand and his blue eyes open.

"Are you alright?"

Gosh, his manly voice makes her drool.

But then, who is this man?

How and why is she here?

Eyriel wanted to ask when his blue eyes suddenly darken. A growl emitting from his throat and his eyes are focusing something behind her. She frowned at the sudden change of mood but notice the change of sounds around them. It was eerily silent and she didn't have time to react when he shoved her aside. She was rolled a couple of feet away from him and her head went spinning from his strength. Why did he throw her? Shaking her head, she turns around and her eyes widen in horror.

A man with black eyes.

Black eyes at the white-haired who just shoved her away.

Away from the claw that meant to pierce through her. 

The white-haired man had blood dripping from his chest and he hissed in pain as the attacker twist his claw further. He tightens his hold on the enemy's hand from clawing through and he growled loudly. The black-eyed man chuckles and his voice comes out dark and empty,

"Your time is up, boy. I told you before I would return."

Suddenly, the black-eyed man turns to Eyriel. There is nothing but corruption reflected in his wicked eyes. No emotion depicted, as if the man had no soul. She wanted to help the white-haired man when the evil man smiled at her in the most disturbing way. His sharp words send terror to her soul.

"And you can't save him."

She gasps and looks around the familiar room. She still inside her hotel room. Not the forest nor the waterfall where she last saw him. She sits up on her bed and goosebumps appear on her skin. The dream felt so real. She looks out the window and it is still nighttime. Her dreams are getting worse. She needs to go to the temple soon.

Her eyes are moist with tears of the memory of that awful dream. The black-eyed man had him in his hand and she didn't have time to save him. The last image of that dream was the evil man ripping a heart out of the white-haired man. Her screams still echoed inside her head. The life in his blue eyes fades away and her tears keep pouring out.

Now, she knows who he is to her.

She took the drawing pad from the nightstand and open the page where she had drawn him before she comes here. It was accurately the same as the one she saw in her dreams. His melted blue eyes on her. Hot tears drop to the drawing of his handsome face and she silently prays to the Moon for the safety of that man.

The safety of her own mate. 


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Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had fun here and still writing for other books. Tell me what you think of the dream in the comment section and see you in the next update! -Nightingale :)

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