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it's at times like this that jungkook feels most alone.not because he lives by himself on the highest floor of his apartment block, that didn't bother him.

it was at times in the early hours of the morning, when the city falls silent for a while- when the sound of cars wandering the streets had ceased and the streetlights were out.
like now.
he hugged his knees to his chest as the thin bedsheets slipped from around his waist.
the sheets pooled around his feet, soon enveloped in dappled light from neighbouring flats.
he sat in the darkness, shivering.
not with cold.
he was crying, the tears sliding down his face in hot, uncontrollable bursts.
he knew that he couldn't live the rest of his life like this. he knew that the loneliness would eventually kill him. but there was nothing he could do about it, he just sat, staring at the wall in front of him, until the sun rose, illuminating the grey city in which he lived.


the bright sunlight spilled across jungkooks face as he squinted in the suns morning glare.
he yawned, running his hands through his messy, unkempt hair before dejectedly rubbing his eyes.
he sat up, the cool air hitting his bare chest, staring out of his window at the cars coming and going. it was still dark, with beginnings of light  slowly meandering across the sky in a pink-ish haze.
it was early.
yet another early morning.
he sighed, bringing the covers up around his shoulders in attempt to block the cold surrounding him.
he had now rejected the whole prospect of sleep, given the idea of laying still for 10 hours was completely ludicrous;  a person can only truly say they're satisfied with life and what they've accomplished until they've felt the atmosphere at 3am, and waited the sunset out until it settled low in the sky.

he swung his legs over the bed and walked over to the kitchen, pouring out a mug of coffee and leaning thoughtfully against the worktop. it had been a while since he'd really seen his apartment or actually stood still, for that matter. his day usually consisted of early commute to his job just outside of the city, and then a late night train ride to his flat overlooking the park and busy intersections beyond it. so, really, the only time he saw it was during the night time or in the small amount of time before he left in the mornings, and that was probably another reason why he had like, two friends.

he blinked, rubbing his eyes as another small yawn escaped his lips, deciding this was a sign he should snap out of his futile trance and get ready.
within fifteen minutes he was showered and ready, shaking the last few water droplets out of his semi-wet hair.

it was sunday, one of those sundays where you dont want to move at all, the air feels heavy and everything happens in slow motion. but today jungkook couldn't stop moving, or at least, his thoughts couldn't.
he sat, staring out of the window.

it was eerily quiet, like an ominous hush had settled without his knowing. not after long the silence had become unbearable, deafening almost, and before he knew it he was pulling on an oversized jumper, running out into the hallway and slamming the apartment door shut.

his feet barely hit the stairs on the way down in his desperate endeavour to escape whatever it was that lingered in the emptiness he lived in, hs fingers skimming the smooth metal handrail in a feeble attempt to steady himself.

once reaching the lobby he broke into a slow walk, not stopping until he reached the park gates where he tentatively looked around the wide grassland, looking for anyone he might know, and an excuse not to go home. satisfied there wasnt anything that could warrant in him having to engage in conversation, he slipped through the gates.

he sat at a bench tucked away beneath some blossom trees in the far corner of the park, isolated from everything else.
he smiled despite himself; he found more in common with a bench then he did with anybody else his whole life.

he leant back, the smile fading from his lips as he closed his eyes, blocking out the world in front of him and bringing his hand to rest in his lap as a gentle breeze swept across his cheeks.

he hadn't done this for even a minute when a soft voice came from not far off where he was sitting.

"you know they have actual beds in actual houses for that right?"

he opened his eyes but looked straight ahead,refusing to look at the person addressing him and not bothering to hide his annoyance.

"yes. but there are many things wrong with what you just said." jungkook replied, sensing the other persons smirk at his low and uncaring retort.

jungkook turned himself so that he was titled towards the stranger, who was half concealed in the dappled glow of the streetlight that plunged half of his face into inky darkness. he could make out the beginnings of his milky, smooth skin and the prominent curve of his top lip. he decided he had to hand it to him- he wasn't bad looking; he couldnt help but be interested by the figure in front of him, the many questions flooding is head were proof enough.

he was infatuated.

the figure moved forward, exposing the rest of his face from the shadow and revealing a dark, enticing stare that he couldn't bring himself to look away.

"take a picture- it'll last longer." the other spoke, breaking the silence to mock him.

" i would- i dont have my phone." jungkook replied.

"im joking, dumbass. im taehyung by the way. but you can call me tae."

"i never asked who you were."

"i know that. i just figured the odds of us meeting again are very unlikely so, what would i have to lose by telling a stranger my name?" the other said, rocking back on his heels.

jungkook hummed in response.

"and who might you be?"

"jeon jeongguk."

"so, jeon jeongguk, what brings you here this fine morning?"

"im not sure. i was bored?" jungkook replied shortly, hoping this stranger would leave him alone.

'tae' laughed quietly. "not a talker then? that's fine. see, im here because i thought i might go for  walk. you know, a cleanser? i thought id listen to some brockhampton, go and-" he broke off, seeing the look of evident disgust on jungkooks face. "what, no brockhampton?"

jungkook shook his head in distaste.

"blasphemy!" taehyung cried, clutching his heart. "tell me," he said, "what music do you listen to?"

jungkook straightened up, folding his arms. "lets see- i dont know, good stuff. blur, the cure, joy division, the vaccines. people who actually have talent."

taehyung gasped, shaking his head. "jeon jeongguk, im offended."

"good." jungkook replied.
the two sat in silence for a while until he spoke again. he took the sun starting to appear through the trees as an excuse to stand up and brush down his jeans.
"i'm going to go home. you should too."
he started to walk away, leaving taehyung still standing underneath the blossom trees, illuminated in soft golden light.


a/n : so😂 i thought id give this a try. idk itll probably be kind of shitty and im not sure when i'll update, but i guess just enjoyyyy~♡

-sophie :)

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