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The boys collapsed on the sofa the next morning, Remus in the hospital wing, and the other three simply tired. Frank and the girls (except Madison) had joined them and the group sat talking for a while as they had been up way before breakfast starts.

Sirius who was leaning on James, his arm around his shoulders stifled a long yawn, craning his neck like a dog and looks around. "Where's Madsie?" He asked, his eyebrows knitting together as another yawn slipped his lips.

"She's still asleep, she's got a cold and was burning up," Marlene replied, rather snottily until Lily nudged her in her side. "She wants to do things the muggle way and not rely on magic to cure it."

Sirius nodded his head that dropped further onto James. "She loves muggles." Said he.

"Is that a problem?" Snapped Marlene, he jaw clenched. Lily, yet again, nudged her in her side.

Sirius shook his head, "no, I find it bloody adorable! One of the things I love about her actually. You know, I love her so much and her love for muggles is absolutely amazing. And a bonus is that it sticks it towards my family. I love a girl who lives muggle things like I do!" He rambled and didn't take any notice, much like everyone else but Lily, at Marlene's fists clenching and the daggers her eyes were shooting in his direction.

"You love her?" Asked Peter giddily but, nonetheless, tiredly. His short mouse brown hair was dishevelled and from the happy grin on his face, it made him look like a madman, especially with the bags hanging under his eyes. Sirius nodded and a shrill squeal left Peter's lips and he clapped loudly causing grounds from James and Sirius to muffle into each other's body as they hugged. "That's so cute! Never did I think you'd ever admit to loving anyone!"

"Yeah, yeah, Wormy, please just quite down my heads has drums in them." James sighed snuggling into Sirius.

"What song?" The group looked up and saw Madison in her unicorn onesie clutching one of Sirius' pillow, her nose and cheeks both red and some tissues balled up in her free hand.

"We will rock you. The one Remus played during the summer because Harley loves it." James replied just as Sirius sat up and opened his arms for Madison to join him.

She sat on his lap gently, just in case he had hurt himself during the night and leaned back into his chest, pulling he pillow up as a chin rest as he leaned his head on her shoulder.

"Is that my pillow?" Asked Sirius, still ignorant of Marlene's glare and sad look.

Madison nodded, "I was going to stay in your bed but Lily and Marlene dragged me to mine, so I took your pillows." She replied quietly, her voice similar to that of a child's who is upset.

"Why?" He chuckled softly moving her hair to the side as it fell in his face, it's length had grown rather rapidly since the start of the year and was in his way more. It was close to the length she had it before it was cut.

"Because you smell nice and so does this." She replied quickly raising a tissue to her face as she sneezed.

Peter sat up and patted her knee, "maybe you should go to Madam Pomfrey, it'll be better than you suffering from a cold for a few days. Why suffer when you can have a quick solution? I'll take you if you want, I can check on Moony then as well."

Sirius nodded his head in agreement with Peter, "Go on, Maddie, get sorted and see Moony." He said, rubbing her back.

Madison sighed and stood up, with her from Sirius pushing her up and Peter stood up with her. Sirius quickly swiped the pillow from her grasp and she pouted but Peter pulled her in the direction of the portrait hole so that she and Sirius couldn't bicker over the pillow at all.

"Did you notice how weird Marlene was acting?" Asked Peter once they were on the stairs.

"Yeah... It was strange, she tried to lay with me last night but Lily said something, I can't remember what, I was too busy sneezing to take much notice, but as I was saying, Lily said something to her and she kind of, oh I don't know, grumbled about leaving me be. I dunno, I might have just been imagining it." Madison began to sneeze once more, stopping so that she didn't fall down the stairs.

Peter took in what she had said, "She was acting off towards Padfoot too."

The girl sighed and shook her head, "Oh, I don't know then. Let's not worry about it, if she carries on then I'll just ask her about it." She looked around and made sure that no one was near her before whispering to Peter, "Lily and Marlene also found out about Moony. They were by the lake last night and heard Prongs' loud gob yabbering, they know about our animagi forms too. They worked it out for themselves."

"Oh no!" Peter gasped his hands clamping over his mouth, "What did they say?"

"They didn't say much. They just kinda, scolded themselves for not working it out sooner as apparently, it's quite obvious. That was about it really, then the conversation just changed. I don't think they too bothered about it really, they know Moony can't control it and that he is still the boy we all know and love."

"That's good then..." Peter trailed off, "Maddie?"


He sighed, "How'd you realise you liked Padfoot?"

Furrowing her eyebrows, Madison glanced at Peter and saw the red forming on his cheeks and nervous lip bite. "I guess, I just felt it. It's hard to explain." Peter nodded his head and no more was spoken on the subject.

The pair made it to the hospital wing and Peter sat down on the seat by Remus who was nibbling on his chocolate and the two watched as Madam Pomfrey sorted out Madison. Peter told Remus about Marlene and Lily knowing of his condition the straightway pushing chocolate down his throat to calm Remus down and relax him.

"They won't tell, you know that." Said Madison sitting next to him after she finished gagging on the awful potion she had to take. "Now, how is my lil' big best friend."

"That made no sense." He said tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

"Since when do I?" She laughed hugging him, "Mam and Da' should be sending some more chocolate over today, the muggle Dairy Milk we like." Remus nodded knowing not to argue about them not having to do that after they used to have this every single month of the year.

"Thank you."

"You're too polite, Moony. Anyway, we need to tell you about how strange Marlene is acting..."



Thank you all so much for being so patient whilst I took a hiatus.


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