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The students of Beauxbatons had been shown to the gryffindor tower and informed of the password by the Prefects. Remus and Lily included. Some were getting to know their dorm mates and others were satin the common room. The girls and marauders (much to some of Madison's dismay) were sat in the common room together talking randomly until Peter spoke up.

"Uh, Madison?"

"Yeah?" She replied puzzled, after having spent the passed month or so with the marauders hanging around the girls more she had got used to them but still was afraid of Sirius, James not so much anymore.

"The redhead that winked at you keeps looking over at you." He scratched the back of his neck as Mary and Marlene squealed and Evangeline looked over at him slyly.

"Pretty cute, I say so." She nudged the brunette who looked at the boy from the other school. Who had to coincidentally look at her at the same time. he sent her a smile and she returned one.

"I'll be back." Madison announced walking over to him.

"I swear she is socially awkward, how can she walk straight over to him?" James asked eyeing the girl curiously.

"She is." Remus stated his head in his book, bitterness in his tone only slightly showing.

"Mr Johnson." Madison chuckled, as she approached the redhead.

"Miss Parker, what a coincidence you being here?" He replied, sarcasm showing.

"Ha. Ha. I've missed you, Mattei." She smiled.

"Me too, Mads. Come here!" He opened his arms and swarmed he into a hug.

"Now they're hugging! What the frick?!" Sirius exclaimed. "I have been partners with her in astronomy for nearly two months and I haven't even got a handshake, let alone a smile! He's been here all of ten minutes and she hugs him. What i with this child?"

Remus' head snapped up as her hugging this boy was acknowledged. He grumbled under his breath, and Lily noticed. "Are you okay, Remus?"

"Yes." He gritted his teeth.

"Woah mate, do you like Madison?" Mary asked.

"No but I don't like him. That is her other next door neighbour Mattei Johnson and he has always been off with me."

"Wait that is the person she was messaging on the muggle phone?" James asked,


"Makes sense now."

"You are right, though. Something does seem dodgy with him and I haven't even spoke to him!" Alice admitted.

"You don't know how much I have wanted to do this, Mads." Mattei muttered into her hair as they hugged.

"I think I know the feeling. I can't believe you are here! And for the whole year!" She released his hug but sat beside him at the table.

"Me neither! I've known about the tournament since July as our parents had to be informed about us coming here. I wanted it to be a surprise, it was hard keeping it from you as we were together for the majority of the holiday."

"I hate you! You knew!" Madison jested.

"I'm sorry, forgive me Mads?" He joked back.


"Please?" He begged, knowing she was messing around, he even stuck out his bottom lip.

"Ugh, yes. Just stop with the face." She chuckled, and grabbed his hand. "Come meet my friends."

The girl pulled the boy towards the sofa's. "Girls and Peter this is Mattei. Remus you already know him. Mattei, This is Peter, Lily, Mary, Alice, Evangeline and Marlene. You already know Remus."

"Hi, nice to meet you. Those two boys there are James and Sirius. Madison must have missed them out." Peter grinned.

"Hi." Mattei replied his Irish accent thick, "Good to see you Remus."

"Ditto." Remus said from his book.

"You can sit down." Evangeline giggled, as the boy stood up alone looking rather odd.

"Yeah, sit here I'll sit on the arm." Madison said and Mattei took her place on the sofa beside Lily and Madison sat on the arm of the furniture beside him.

"Thanks, Mads." he smiled. "Your school is so cool! You told me it was a castle but I never believed you."

"That's because you are stupid." Madison laughed.

"Thanks, Madsie, much appreciated you ejit."

"So do you have any friends from Beauxbatons?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah but they are over there talking about girls."

"And you don't want to join them?" Alice asked.

"Nah, I'd much rather be with Madsie." He nudged Madison.

The Beauxbaton students had all gone to bed rather early, Mattei included, as they were fairly tired from the long day that they had endured and many Hogwarts students had joined them, Madison included. That left the rest of the fifth year Hogwarts girls and the marauders. "Mattei seemed nice." Lily stated.

"Just wait." Remus stated.

"What do you mean?"

"Mary, give it a week and you won't be able to speak to Maddie much because he will be there. he will have something to say to her and you won't get a word in. She will be too absorbed in his presence to even notice you are there."

"I guess it happens to you a lot then Moony."

"It does, Wormtail. It isn't her fault though, she's to nice to tell him to bugger off."

"I could tell he wasn't leaving her alone until she announced she was going to bed. Which ironically he decided the same." Evangeline said.

"Exactly, and he was acting all nicie-nice to me, when really if Maddie wasn't there he wouldn't even look at me or if he did it would be in disgust."

"We are going to leave you to it boys, we're going bed." Lily announced and the girls descended up the stairs.

"Does he know about you furry problem?" Sirius asked Remus once the girls had left.

"No. I made sure of it."

"Good. Now if he does take Madison from the girls or us he will be welcome to our pranks."James smirked.

"Good, well I normally don't condone many pranks but just prank him anyway. I hate his arse."

"Are you sure you don't like her?" James laughed.


A/n- Thoughts on Mattei?

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