Chapter 3

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After a few days of walking to town and carrying groceries, my leg started to hurt. I told mom and she said she'd do the chores for a while. She set up a table next to me and put Sisyphus's cage on it. She said to make me better she'd put Luaine's bed in my room and she could stay with me.

It was about lunch time when my mom woke me up after I fell asleep. She had made me a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup and some crackers. It's been awhile since mom made homemade chicken noodle soup. Homemade cooking reminded her of when her and my father were together. It was good though.

A few days later my leg had quit hurting, and it felt nice to walk again. Luaine was happy to leave the house with me again. When we went into town we passed the tulip shop my mom always shops at. Luaine jumped away from it, she didn't want to go in there, she'd been in there way to many times this week. I would be too if I had to see my mothers boyfriend everyday for a week. I see him enough at my own house planting those tulips.

It was actually the Dutch Tulips Man idea to plant the flowers in front of my room. The man always scared me, he had a huge scar across his face from where he was in an accident, he never told me what kind of accident though.

That afternoon the Dutch Tulip Man came over to plant more tulips. So while mom and him planted flowers I decided to cook supper. I took one of the last few steaks out of the freezer, seasoned it and then put it in the oven. I waited a little bit before cooking the potatoes.

About the time mother and The Dutch Tulip Man finished planting tulips, supper was ready. Mom was surprised I cooked cause I don't know how to cook a lot of food.

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