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A/N; Here's the second! I didn't plan on uploading it until I finished the third, but eh. I'm kinda running out of energy tbh. All of my stories plots are a jumble.


Song; Watashi He - Lollia. 』

Disclaimer; I own D.Gray-Man, ye I do.

''Mother said that when I was cranky, I would turn into a wolf―which was all the time!'' ―Yuki, Wolf Children.


Silent near the door, vibrant sky-blue eyes blazed with the essence of life swirling around in them. The male at the door crossed his arms over his chest, watching the occasional rise and fall of Allen's chest as he breathed in and out. The boy hadn't woken up over the past two days he'd been staying at the blue-eyed male's and it made him worry about the other's well-being―mostly because the whitette was a new addition to the group―one of the Omegas. The reasons why Omegas were rare within packs is mostly due to the fact that it's the lowest ranking member of the pack―lower than pups. Omegas are the weakest of the pack, but they learn from the pack as they age. They're the last to eat, submissive to the other members in the pack, and could or can be impregnated―especially if they're male―something that was rare on its own. Most Omegas get so sick of being picked on in the pack that they leave and the rank of Omega vanishes for quite sometime, but another Omega would need to be picked as soon as possible in order to keep the pack functioning. When changing into an Omega―like Allen was―one had to be careful throughout the whole process and watch out for any type of signs. If something went wrong, there went another life down the drain. It's dangerous for one to become an Omega due to the amount of things going on with the body―the amount of hormones that flood the person constantly over the next few days, after being bit of course. He continued to wonder if the other would be able to pull through so that he could meet the rest of the pack and possibly the other packs. That was only if he survived. A huge if, it was.

The blue-eyed figure relaxed, letting out a sigh, eyes closing momentarily before opening once again to see the figure on the bed curl up into a ball on his side, pulling the blankets over himself before quickly switching positions. He was sure the other disliked sleeping on his back for two whole days without much movement while unconscious. The whitette flopped onto his stomach, groaning in pain while doing so. He planted his face into the pillow his head had been resting on for the last two days. The whitette felt warmer than he originally did and it bothered him, yet he didn't complain about it. It made him feel quite uncomfortable though. He raised his head, eyes still halfway opened, to get a good look at the male standing in the doorway, smirking. Neither of them said anything, just stared at each other until Allen rolled over, groaning at the pain that shot through his lower abdomen and from his lower back, and up from there. The figure in the doorway moved slowly―as to not startle the other―over to the bed, sitting in the chair that he'd planted there earlier when he brought the other in, sat next to the bed to examine the flushed Omega who looked very irritated with him already. He watched as the other rolled over, now facing him, his arms wrapped around his abdomen like it was about to burst. His body heat was killing him―slowly. He could see it in the other's liquid silver eyes that shimmered in the moonlight. Allen's eyes filled with tears, none slid out from the rims of them though. They just lingered there. Waiting, patiently for their chance. The boy's breath became a bit more labored after a few more seconds. He looked directly into the other's flaming blue eyes before speaking. His voice sounded unsure, full of pain, and practically asking to be put out of his misery, yet he still wanted the questions that swam through his mind to be answered―directly this time instead of the other conveniently dodging them constantly. He must've been hiding something if he wasn't answering the whitette's questions that night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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