Chapter 1

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I, Anna, was just a normal 12 year old girl, well aside from the fact I had cancer. Well I can't exactly say it's a normal life, but it's normal to me. My mother is a crazy, well obsessed, with tulips and she is one-eyed. My father, I don't know much about due to he left me when I was little cause he hated my mother and me.

I tried to live life as normal as a girl with cancer could. It's not that easy though. I can't go to school, I have to be home schooled, I have Dr.Appointments at most 3 days a week. Its a hard life but I guess not every life can be perfect.

My life was all effected when my mother fell in love with the Dutch Tulip Man. They shared there obsession of tulips, planting them in our backyard together everyday. My mother believes that if she plants the most colorful ones out my window I'll cheer up. It doesn't help though, cause I still know that I'm gonna die so there is no reason to try to cheer up.

I told mother one day I wanted to meet my father just so I could say I met him before I die. She laughed at me and I asked why. "Because honey, no one knows where he lives, for all we know he could be in jail." After that I just gave up on ever meeting him, so I changed the subject.

As I patted the bed for her I sit next to me, I started a new conversation. "Mom do you ever think there will be a chance for me to live?"

"There maybe as long as you don't give up your fight and believe you can continue to live." After that I did everything I could to become better. I walked more and I tried to find things to keep me active. That's the day I met the thing that would keep my hopes up.

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