A Message From The Author

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Hey all!

I just wanted to stop by, introduce myself and talk about this story a little bit... but if you're not interested skip ahead to chapter 1!

My name is Jade Marie and this is the first story that I am going to share on Wattpad. Along the way I'll be learning how it all works. If you like the story, please vote and comment as you continue through the parts - without feedback I have no guidance! I'm just hoping you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoy to write it.

The Teacher is actually a story I started back in 2012. I had severe writers block at the time; I never finished it. I have revisited The Teacher many times and I finally am happy with the whole set up for the story. Therefore I'm excited to re-draft and publish the story for you. It is the first original story that I have shared publicly -though I have written several that I've always kept hidden!

For most (or all) parts I am going to link a song that I feel relates to the plot, one of the characters, or even potentially myself. That way you can learn a little more about the story and me along the way. Music is a huge part of my life and a huge inspiration for all my creativity. You can find the link to my YouTube channel on my profile, in case you want to be nosy. Ha. There are also links to other social media so if you ever have any questions - feel free to contact me!

Thank you for choosing to try out my story, I'll let you begin now!xo

The TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now