Valentine's Day

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[Again, I'm sorry.]

Chris-chin and Spanser have been going out for a while and they've gotten some new friends since then. There's Rock-sane, the third wheel for the two, Kai-ly, the most extra person ever, and Salamanda, someone too asian for you. Chris-chin always face-timed Spanser whenever he was working out his overly huge muscles, and Spanser always watched to swoon over him and that would motivate Chris-chin to work out more. It was the couple meant to be. Everyone else in the school decided to make a reality show out of them and followed them wherever they went and only left if Chris-chin wanted to beat them up.

    One morning, Spanser woke up and flexed his tiny muscles in front of the mirrors as his daily routine. He got ready for the day and looked at the calander. It read: Febrauary 14, <insert year here>; Valentine's Day.

    -lip smack- "Heck."

    Spanser ran around the house and looked for something to give to Chris-chin that day. Spirits of Salamada, Rock-sane, and Kai-ly showed up in weird costumes. Salamanda and Kai-ly were in underwear with gunshot wounds and Rock-sane was wearing a fancy red silk robe. Then they started singing in unison while Spanser was still getting his Valentine gift together.

    "Yo, guy, Keep it together. I knew -You would come far. Now -You're -Truly a lover. Smell -How -Gangsta you are."

    "Leave me alone! Also, how did you get into my house?" Spanser said.

    "Guess who's right down the block?"


    "Guess who's coming inside?"

    "Time's up! Go say your prayers!"


    Spanser's running, running on fumes now, Spanser's totally fried.

    Spanser ran to hide the mess he made while making his gift. Chris-chin waited outside, slowly getting impatient.

    "Spanser's gotta be tripping on 'schrooms now thinking that he can hide. Spanser's done for, there's no doubt now."

    Chris-chin became too impatient. He started walking into his room. Spanser attempted to lock his bedroom door.

    "Too late! he got in!" The spirits shouted.

    "Knock knock! Sorry for coming in through the window. Dreadful etiquette, I know!" Chris-chin barged in.

    Spanser just sat there, terrified in a blue blazer and skirt, covered in ropes. Chris-chin was ironically in a trench coat and jeans. They stared at each other in a new love they never seen before.

    "I never knew you were into The Murder Teens." Spanser told Chris-chin.

    "... I'm not." Chris-chin replied.

    There was a temporary awkward tension between the two. They later laughed it off and sat in bed together. Spanser was explaining on how he was making a Valentine's surprise for Chris-chin. That was when Chris-chin told him that he only came over to say sorry that he never had a gift for him. It made Spanser feel better. They continued talking and that's when Chris-chin asked:

    "What are those three doing here?"

    Spanser turned to the closet and walked out Rock-sane, Slamanda, and Kai-ly. They looked pretty mischevious.

    "Howdy. We weren't just spirits after all. :)" Rock-sane said.


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